LETTER:Thankful to live here

‘We feel overwhelmingly grateful and relieved after receiving our first Moderna COVID vaccine in Port Angeles.

The event was well organized and completely non-chaotic.

The staff of NOHN, Dr. Mike Maxwell and numerous volunteers deserve immense recognition and thanks.

The experience was painless, efficient and safe, from the parking to the re-scheduling.

During this difficult time of unprecedented challenges and anxiety, we are privileged beyond to belief to live in this small county in Western Washington.

Our County Health Department, under the superb and steady leadership of Dr. Berry, has been consistent in providing science based guidance and truthful information during the pandemic.

People here believe in science, and work to keep each other safe by consistent mask wearing.

The frontline workers on whom we depend are unfailingly kind and courteous despite being under continual daily stress themselves.

In addition to all of these blessings, we have the additional privilege of living in one of the most beautiful places on earth, with wilderness forests, mountains, lakes and rivers readily available to provide us solace and healing as we struggle to maintain our optimism and sanity during these dark days.

Madeleine Harrington

Port Angeles