LETTER:Working lands

It was disappointing to read that the Power Plant timber sale has been canceled and that a portion of the sale area was nominated for the Natural Climate Solutions program.

This cancellation occurred after thorough vetting by DNR staff and the dismissal of two lawsuits against the sale.

Time and public resources were spent defending the sale.

Now the DNR must find an equivalent amount of volume elsewhere to replace timber already sold.

If the Clallam County commissioners concur with the nomination, one end result will be a reduction of working lands in Clallam County.

Climate change is a global problem and removing lands from production in our state will do little to solve the climate crisis.

The DNR replants native tree species and appropriately protects sensitive sites on the landscape.

These responsible forestry practices are not followed worldwide where lands are converted for development and agriculture.

If timber production is reduced in Washington, then other states and countries will supply our world’s wood products at a greater cost to the climate and at a loss to our local economy.

DNR sales pay for public infrastructure while producing a valuable product.

Public schools are a principal recipient of timber sale funds.

A recent local example was the construction of the Monroe Playfield in Port Angeles which was built without dipping into levy revenues.

County commissioners should reject the climate solutions nomination and support local businesses and junior taxing districts that rely upon DNR timber sales.

Reed Wendel

Port Angeles