Letters to the Editor

LETTER: How do I tell my grandchildren to vote when government’s track record is abysmal?

How should I answer my granddaughter’s questions about politics and voting? Should I tell her that politics doesn’t matter, as politicians are liars and cheats… Continue reading

LETTER: Toy firearms should have obvious ways to distinguish them from real ones

I read in the May 31 Peninsula Daily News about yet another young boy needlessly being wasted/killed by a police officer by mistaking the toy… Continue reading

LETTER: Trump even less than a fool for pulling out of Paris accords

Our president is much less than a fool. This man who stole his election will now condemn our world to an ugly ending, for he… Continue reading

LETTER: Why so many White House leaks? Maybe because Trump’s ignorance terrifies all

Trump’s White House leaks like a sieve, as reported by major news outlets including Fox. Why is that? Why is his staff acting in such… Continue reading

LETTER: A few more suggestions to make our world a better place to live

The May 25 letter to Peninsula Voices, “Global concerns,” impressed me because it is good to see people thinking about how to make the world… Continue reading

LETTER: Writer’s critique of Neal’s column misses the (funny) point

I would like to add my voice to the millions of other readers who no doubt did a double take after reading the June 2-3… Continue reading

LETTER: As in the Bible, media are the false prophets of yesteryear

In the Bible, 2 Peter: Chapter 2, verses 1-2: “There were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among… Continue reading

LETTER: Olympic Discovery Trail proposals leave nearby property owners in the lurch

On May 17, 2017, Ben Braudrick, assistant planner for the city Department of Community and Economic Development, and Steven M. Zenovic, a city consulting engineer,… Continue reading

LETTER: On Paris accords, remember first-world nations had head start on exploiting fossil fuels

When President Donald Trump told us June 1 of his decision to pull out of the Paris climate change agreement, he referred to how China… Continue reading

LETTER: Trump budget would slash funding to necessities such as June 4’s CERT training

The Olympic Peninsula News Group story in the June 4 Peninsula Daily News provided comprehensive coverage of the laudable diligence of Community Emergency Response Teams… Continue reading

LETTER: Dungeness River reservoir not the right way to go

Each time I see the Dungeness River running millions of water to waste by going into the Sequim Bay, I wonder what our leaders drinking.… Continue reading

LETTER: Help keep Peninsula skills center in the community

I am disturbed that the the North Olympic Peninsula Skills Center may close. Students shouldn’t be considered as part of a cost-versus-benefit formula. Why would… Continue reading

LETTER: PDN’s fishing columnist offers criticism but no constructive ideas

Another Wednesday and yet another angry, dyspeptic and semi-paranoid column from Pat Neal [“Lack Of Faith In Hoh River Trust,” PDN, May 31]. Week after… Continue reading

LETTER: Land of the free except for unborn Americans

Perhaps you have noticed some protesting going on at Planned Parenthood on Eighth Street in Port Angeles. For several months, local concerned citizens are exercising… Continue reading

LETTER: Letting car prowl happen was my fault, but I’ll know better next time

We had a car prowl May 29 in Port Angeles in the 1000 block of South Albert Street. My wife’s car was entered and someone… Continue reading

  • Jun 1, 2017

LETTER: Help Port Angeles skills center keep providing a lifeline for youths

While I am not familiar with all the details of how to establish and retain a community vocational skills center, the recent Peninsula Daily News… Continue reading

LETTER: Is it asking too much that are tax dollars go to repairing state Highway 112?

The fall of 2015 and the winter of 2016 were not too kind to state Highway 112. There were many new potholes, sunken areas and… Continue reading

LETTER: Planned Parenthood, on the GOP chopping block, provides these essential services

Planned Parenthood seems to be on the Republicans’ chopping block in Congress. Just what does Planned Parenthood do? Eighty percent of its clients receive contraceptive… Continue reading

LETTER: Carbon dioxide emissions could be greatly reduced via proposals such as Wild Olympics

The need to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is receiving increased attention as a strategy to combat global warming. The concentration of carbon dioxide… Continue reading

LETTER: Here’s why the proposed school-based health center for Port Angeles is a great idea

As the mother of two teenage girls, I was delighted to hear about the school-based health center being proposed for Port Angeles High School. Having… Continue reading