I wonder if you think as highly of uninsured drivers as I do. On April 21, I was hit by another car in the Safeway… Continue reading
So, Donald Trump has not yet released his tax returns. He says the reason is that he is still under audit, which does not make… Continue reading
As a member of the Jefferson County Citizens for Sound Foreign Policy, I am gravely concerned with the current administration’s lack of a strategic plan… Continue reading
The first thing I saw recently when I arrived at Lincoln Park in Port Angeles to walk my dogs was a mess of fast-food litter… Continue reading
St. Teresa of Calcutta [Kolkata] said, “It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.”… Continue reading
Wow, Port Angeles’ city streets need repair, said the Port Angeles City Council at its April 4 meeting, and by ordaining formation of a Transportation… Continue reading
“When it comes to the obligations of the Fourth Estate, just as egregious as misreporting the news is not reporting the news at all.” So… Continue reading
We recently had a heartwarming experience in Port Angeles that will remain in our memories for a long time. While waiting for the ferry MV… Continue reading
In response to the April 9 letter to Peninsula Voices, “Kitchel’s failure,” we can improve on oxygen output by cutting the tree after its fastest… Continue reading
As I returned home from an inspirational sermon and music on Easter Sunday, I picked up the Peninsula Daily News and flipped through to the… Continue reading
After seeing the shocking footage of the gassing in Syria, whose emotional trigger would not be pulled toward some sort of action in response? You… Continue reading
We need to stop being distracted by a narcissistic president and a continuing-to-do-nothing Congress. We need to take a more active role in the direction… Continue reading
The two letters to Peninsula Voices in the April 2 Peninsula Daily News, “Ireland critic” and “Fat rats,” displayed a judgmental and offensive tone. These… Continue reading
The April 10 Peninsula Daily News’ “Eye on Olympia” feature, “Progress Slows On State Budget, Schools Funding,” includes a comment by 24th District Rep. Mike… Continue reading
It should be apparent that the institution of electoral politics known as the Electoral College is not only obsolete but a threat to American democracy.… Continue reading
We all have to file our income taxes with the IRS. Luckily this year, we have until this Tuesday, April 18, to do so. I… Continue reading
A local resident recently wrote in asking what was being done to clean up all the litter on the roadway between Sequim and Port Angeles.… Continue reading
It appears that once again, Olympic National Park is closed for business during the month of April. Hurricane Ridge has to be the top tourist… Continue reading
My sister and I just heard something today that troubled us deeply. Sometimes when a family is honoring a loved one who has been cremated… Continue reading
For the sake of clarification, there are now two groups operating locally with similar-sounding names but that have opposite goals. One called Our Water, Our… Continue reading