Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Peter Thiel’s devotion to America is suspect

Even some members of President Donald Trump’s inner-circle of Republican billionaires are looking at the possibility of using Plan B. And I don’t mean using… Continue reading

LETTER: Port Townsend resident makes cattle guard for deer

a city that is overrun by deer. There are so many now that they’re eating plants that they normally… Continue reading

LETTER: Faith column missed the mark on God’s love vs. intolerance for sin

A March 24 Peninsula Daily News “Issues of Faith” column, “Run to the Cross to See God Anew,” [by the Rev. Patrick Lovejoy] may miss… Continue reading

LETTER: Foresight trumps hindsight when it comes to our country’s safety

Before opposing President Donald Trump’s immigration order, we might recall Dec. 14, 1999, when terrorist Ahmed Ressam arrived on the Coho ferry in Port Angeles,… Continue reading

LETTER: Letter writer needs to check his facts on Wild Olympics criticism

Regarding the points that former Clallam County Commissioner Phillip Kitchel makes in his March 28 letter to Peninsula Voices [“No Wild Olympics”], he suffers from… Continue reading

LETTER: Recent letter on ‘illegals’ cherry-picked data to suit opinion

The April 6 letter to Peninsula Voices, “Anti-sanctuaries,” seems to employ an analogy taken from the movie “A Time to Kill” to delegitimize sanctuary cities.… Continue reading

LETTER: Antiquated law on presidential requirements limits our options

Some of our severely outdated, antiquated laws seem to defy common sense. Why, for instance, is it mandatory that our president be born in the… Continue reading

LETTER: Thanks to the senators who voted against repealing internet privacy rule

I would like to thank two of four Washington state GOP representatives for voting against Senate Joint Resolution 34, the nullification-of-internet-privacy rule. The resolution got… Continue reading

LETTER: ‘America the Beautiful’ exemplifies the greatness of our country, not walls

“America the Beautiful”: What a great song. The line “and crown thy good with brotherhood” gives the true meaning of this country. Building walls does… Continue reading

LETTER: Enforcement of federal immigration laws would have prevented these senseless deaths

“In Los Angeles, we don’t separate people from their families because its inhumane.” Those words of Mayor Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti are typical of… Continue reading

LETTER: Here’s a unique solution to solving the problem of trash along our highways

I’m responding to the two rants published in the April 2 Peninsula Daily News’ “Rants and Raves” feature that complained about the trash on U.S.… Continue reading

LETTER: Rebellious ‘sanctuary,’ pot-legalized states should lose all federal funding

The governments of Hawaii, Washington, Oregon and Colorado are engaged in a rebellion. They are knowingly and intentionally defying federal law by allowing, encouraging and… Continue reading

LETTER: Writer criticizing climate change deniers hypocritical in practice

With a good, round belly laugh I read letter “Climate ‘deniers’” in the April 2 Peninsula Daily News’ Peninsula Voices. I would wager that the… Continue reading

LETTER: Red herrings presented are totally irrelevant regarding the Wild Olympics proposal

Regarding the March 26 letter in Peninsula Voices, “Wild Olympics,” the letter writer presents a plethora of red herrings asserting that the Olympic National Forest… Continue reading

LETTER: ‘Fat rats’ in Olympia voting for the fat cats, not the little guys

The state Senate has voted to tax property owners (this mostly means the little guy) to pay for education. The Democrats wanted to institute a… Continue reading

LETTER: Climate change deniers are the ultimate hypocrites

How convenient it must be for climate change deniers to only have to believe in the science that allows them to fly in jet airliners,… Continue reading

LETTER: I agree with the letter on maternity-related deaths, but it got the facts wrong

A letter to the editor published March 30 (“‘Anti-choice’ critic”) claimed that “the state of Texas doubled its rate of maternity-related deaths, from 18 percent… Continue reading

LETTER: Recent letter writer’s defense of Malkin blatantly biased

How quaint of former Clallam County commissioner and right-wing columnist Martha Ireland to write the [March 16] letter in Peninsula Voices, “Retain Malkin,” and defend… Continue reading

LETTER: Wild Olympics legislation looks to a vibrant, sustainable future for Peninsula

I applaud U.S. Sen. Patty Murray and U.S. Rep. Derek Kilmer for re-introducing the Wild Olympics bill in the new Congress. The bill is now… Continue reading

LETTER: Article looks to blame Trump for local budgets

I take exception to the March 28 Peninsula Daily News article “Budget putting funds in peril.” It explains that if the president’s budget is adopted,… Continue reading