On several occasions while campaigning, regarding big money in politics and corruption in Washington, Donald Trump stated that he would “drain the swamp.” Instead, he… Continue reading
If you were out in the deep, dark woods of the North Olympic Peninsula and you saw your beloved friend accidentally veering down a path… Continue reading
There’s a new captain of the Titanic. The ship hit the iceberg quite some time ago and has been taking in more and more water.… Continue reading
Were the Jan. 21 rallies impressive? It depends on who you ask. My guess is that more than half of the participants could not tell… Continue reading
A Jan. 15 letter to Peninsula Voices (“Obama ‘pathetic’”) demands a response. Former President Barack Obama did a fine job dealing with the economic meltdown… Continue reading
In spite of threats made by the post-election malcontents including the entitlement crowd, “snowflakes” and professional agitators determined to disrupt the presidential inauguration ceremony and… Continue reading
In stoking the fears and anger of U.S. manufacturing workers, Donald Trump promised to bring jobs back to America. Here’s the problem: There is nowhere… Continue reading
The scourge of addiction has swept America and Clallam County. Ameliorating its root causes seem like a “no-brainer” solution. Despite some heartwarming recovery successes, many… Continue reading
I appreciate the fact that, as a local newspaper, the Peninsula Daily News tries to maintain a balance between liberal and conservative opinions. I do… Continue reading
hefty taxes on carbon emissions from fossil fuels for paying the education burden — is merely the best example… Continue reading
Of late, I’ve read a few letters mocking President Obama, describing him as an “incompetent radical” [“Obama ‘pathetic,’” Jan. 15, Peninsula Voices] and portraying his… Continue reading
Regardless of how you feel about the health care insurance controversy, I think we can agree we need to protect such valuable area resources as… Continue reading
On Feb. 14, Valentine’s Day, we have an opportunity to show our love for our children, our community and our schools. The election this time… Continue reading
I write this letter from my heart, with experience in my background. I need to express the importance of levy support. Until the day when… Continue reading
In the Jan. 15 letter to Peninsula Voices “Obama ‘pathetic,’” the writer uses many often-heard talking points and phrases without examples or sources for the… Continue reading
Our U.S. Sens. Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray were among 13 Democrats who recently voted against Senate Amendment 0178, which would have allowed the American… Continue reading
no, nothing — to… Continue reading
I’ve said it before, but it’s worth saying again: When I say to people that my daughter played cello at Carnegie Hall or helped to… Continue reading
I would like to illuminate a, shall we say, trend that involves the Republican Party and a certain segment of the Christian neo-evangelical movement. This… Continue reading
Donald Trump — and finally be rid… Continue reading