Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Try these tips for optimum dental hygiene

There is a new product available in the U.S. that was recently approved by the Federal Drug Administration to arrest caries: silver diamine fluoride. This… Continue reading

LETTER: Action is needed to help save the Affordable Care Act

On Dec. 28, U.S. Sens. Chuck Schumer and Bernie Sanders and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi addressed a letter to their colleagues in Congress calling… Continue reading

LETTER: Demand that politicians support basic standards of public service

Get ready, you tens of millions of people in the U.S. who are enrolled in the health care system. The Republicans, who can hardly wait,… Continue reading

LETTER: Vote yes on the Port Angeles levy to support our youths, schools, future

Amid the changes of this new year, nationally and internationally, let’s remember to focus on the well-being of our community. I can think of no… Continue reading

LETTER: Graphic account of toddler’s death too much to take

Referring to the Dec. 28 Peninsula Daily News article, “Autopsy: Trauma Killed Child; Examination Showed Blunt-Force Head Injuries,” what was the PDN thinking, and how… Continue reading

LETTER: Planned Parenthood founder was a woman ahead of her time

It has been suggested Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, had a “warped belief system” that included the practice of eugenics [“Defends protesters,” Jan.… Continue reading

  • Jan 11, 2017

LETTER: Death penalty is reserved for those who deserve it

I look at my own death with mixed emotions. I would love to live an extremely long life, health permitting, but what if I had… Continue reading

LETTER: It is our obligation to participate at every level of government

There was great interest in the 2016 presidential election. I am hoping that citizens of Clallam County will be just as interested in the important… Continue reading

LETTER: We have a responsibility to be informed

A Jan. 1 letter writer’s concern about air traffic controllers [“‘Social engineering’”] is misdirected. She should focus on increased hiring in general, including women and… Continue reading

LETTER: Women facing unplanned pregnancies do not appreciate men protesting abortions

In regards to men protesting abortion in Sequim [“Defends protesters, Jan. 4 Peninsula Voices]: Women facing unplanned pregnancies do not appreciate men protesting abortions. Women… Continue reading

LETTER: Let’s make a change, a change based on us and them

We have lost our sense of community and concern for our fellow human, our sense of compassion and understanding, the openness of heart and of… Continue reading

LETTER: Reader criticizes Pat Buchanan

Pat Buchanan, the Peninsula Daily News’ Tuesday columnist, praises Vladimir Putin as an “ethnonationalist” who is “standing by kinfolk left behind when his country broke… Continue reading

LETTER: Snow article sparks good, bad memories of event

The Dec. 30-31 Peninsula Daily News article, “Big snow 20 years ago, Peninsula hit with several feet in 1996 storm,” triggered many memories for me… Continue reading

LETTER: Abortion is the killing of an innocent human being

The Dec. 18 letter in Peninsula Voices, “Christian Action” needs a response. The “old men hanging around,” as the letter writer called them, at Fifth… Continue reading

LETTER: Sex education program is well-respected

The FLASH [Family Life and Sexual Health] sexuality education curriculum is a long established well respected curriculum. I was using early versions of the FLASH… Continue reading

LETTER: Obama accomplished a great many things

In response to Clallam County Republican Party Chairman Dick Pilling’s sarcastic, smarty-pants Dec. 4 letter about the “accomplishments” of President Barack Obama [“Thanks, Obama”], the… Continue reading

LETTER: The swamp isn’t being drained

It seems that with all the Donald Trump signs still up that people don’t believe the person they elected was elected. Given that the candidate… Continue reading

LETTER: Time to limit agencies to their authorized purposes

For brain surgery, would you prefer surgeons who graduated from medical schools that selected students according to diversity and inclusiveness, or instead, surgeons previously accepted… Continue reading

LETTER: Defending FLASH program from letter writers

I am writing this in strong disagreement with two recent letters that disagree with our Port Angeles School Board’s support of the FLASH [Family Life… Continue reading

LETTER: Enjoyed story about ‘Star Wars’ enthusiast

Thanks for running the story on Jon Gray and his love of Star Wars toys [“Sequim Man’s Star Wars Collection Out Of This World,” Dec.… Continue reading