Letters to the Editor

LETTERS:Opposes harvest

My family has lived in the West End for the better part of a century. Landslides on state Highway 112 between Deep Creek and Twin… Continue reading

  • Oct 8, 2022

LETTER:Time to choose

Yes, it’s that time. Time for us to define what kind of country we want to be. Time to choose democracy over autocracy, time to… Continue reading

  • Oct 7, 2022

LETTER: Meloni baloney

Cal Thomas’ column of Thursday, Sept. 29, ascribed Giorgia Meloni’s political positions to her Christianity. He dated her Christianity to the period of “cathedrals and… Continue reading

  • Oct 6, 2022

LETTER: Needed service

We all know that retaining an attorney can be costly and navigating the legal system can be a difficult process without one. For low-income families… Continue reading

  • Oct 6, 2022


On Sept. 23 I was fishing near the Canadian border out of Port Angeles. A Canadian Coast Guard vessel pulled up to me in U.S.… Continue reading

  • Oct 1, 2022

LETTER:Loan forgiveness

President Biden signed an executive order forgiving $10,000 to $20,000 worth of student loan debt. But the truth of the matter is he didn’t forgive… Continue reading

  • Oct 1, 2022

LETTER:Against Purser

If you prefer a Public Utility District candidate with a history of ignoring ratepayers and is indifferent to future changes, then vote for Will Purser… Continue reading

  • Sep 30, 2022

LETTER:Lucky to live in PA

Each day I linger at our windows at the corner of Eunice and Caroline streets where the view draws people. Some arrive at the B&B… Continue reading

  • Sep 28, 2022

LETTER:Fire them

The 2020 Washington State Legislature enacted, and Gov. Jay Inslee signed, a law adopting whatever carbon emissions regulations the state of California would adopt thereafter.… Continue reading

  • Sep 24, 2022

LETTER:Hays for change

As a grandfather, I look at the world we are leaving our future generations. We are in a climate change crisis, but you wouldn’t know… Continue reading

  • Sep 24, 2022

LETTER:How soon they forget

Several recent letters have been critical of Clallam PUD’s lack of vision with respect to adopting renewable energy sources. I would remind readers that from… Continue reading

  • Sep 24, 2022

LETTER:Net Zeo questioned

Did you notice that many politicians who pushed COVID Zero policies have seamlessly pivoted to Net Zero without addressing harms caused by extended lockdowns, mandates,… Continue reading

  • Sep 24, 2022

LETTER:Vote for Purser

The debate between the Clallam County Public Utility District commissioner candidates convinced me that Will Purser is by far the better choice. Mr. Purser has… Continue reading

  • Sep 24, 2022

LETTER:Emery qualified

The voters have determined they want the Clallam County Department of Community Development director to be elected and not appointed. Most, if not all, candidates… Continue reading

  • Sep 22, 2022

LETTER:Protecting the vulnerable

Face coverings will still be required in health care settings after the emergency order is rescinded in order to protect people like me, who cannot… Continue reading

  • Sep 22, 2022

LETTER:Murray’s debt

When our senator, Patti Murray, first took office in 1993, the national debt was $4.2 trillion. My share of the national debt was $16,450. Today,… Continue reading

  • Sep 21, 2022

LETTER:Not a time for change

Here is the headline from the Sequim Gazette, Dec. 16, 2015: “Hays Resigns Sequim Council Seat.” His resignation was sent to the council via email… Continue reading

  • Sep 21, 2022

LETTER:High costs

Inflation is the highest in 40 years. Food prices rose 11.4 percent over the last year, the highest rate since Jimmy Carter’s presidency in 1979.… Continue reading

  • Sep 20, 2022

LETTER:Backs Purser

During my 30-year career as an electric utility government public affairs professional, I saw a lot. The best, and worst, seem to come out, especially… Continue reading

  • Sep 17, 2022

LETTER:Ruling by the people

Each election is a ruling by the people on how the government is working for them. Let’s review. At the state level, Inslee conveniently rescinded… Continue reading

  • Sep 17, 2022