Doris Thompson is 105 years old Saturday, July 22.
She was born in 1918 in Los Angeles, Calif. She was married in 1940 and her husband, Yale, worked at Lockheed in California. She has two children, four grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
Thompson was a preschool teacher and a volunteer for the Red Cross during WWII.
She celebrated her birthday by checking off the next item on her bucket list — a ride in an fancy, old convertible — with the assistance of John Rudder of Port Angeles and his 1956 Pontiac.
Next weekend, she will continue her bucket list with a celebration at the Elwha River Casino.
The way she moves around the halls and walkways with her walker at Park View Villas, where she has lived for many years, has earned her the nickname “Speedy.”
When asked how she has lived so long, her answer was short and succinct: “Take one day at a time.”