PORT HADLOCK — Jefferson County Master Gardeners will conduct an “Ask a Master Gardener” plant clinic from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday.
The free clinic is in the Humphrey Room at the Jefferson County Library, 620 Cedar Ave.
The library will host a plant clinic on the second Saturday of each month through Oct. 14.
Master gardeners will be available to answer questions on selecting the right plants for the environment, composting, insect infestations and unknown pathogens damaging plants.
Attendees may bring a sample of an afflicted plant or bring plant or insect specimens for identification.
Samples of plant problems should include both the healthy and affected tissue; the cut end of the stem should be wrapped with a moist paper towel and the cut plants should be kept in a cool and dark location to prevent wilting.
For plant identification, include photos or samples of the leaves, branches and stems of the plant; a portion of the fruiting or flowering structure; and a representative portion of the stem or bark.
Identification is more likely when more structures of the plant can be examined.
For insect identification, bring an intact specimen in a small container soon after capture; keep it stored in a cool, dark place.
For more information, email Bridget Gregg at bridget.gregg@wsu.edu.