Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society members celebrate the organization’s 50th anniversary. Seated, left to right, Ken Wiersema, Dow Lambert and John Gussman. Standing, left to right, Bob Boekelheide, Kendra Donelson, Audrey Gift, Sue Dryden and Marie Grad. (Dee Renee Ericks)

Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society members celebrate the organization’s 50th anniversary. Seated, left to right, Ken Wiersema, Dow Lambert and John Gussman. Standing, left to right, Bob Boekelheide, Kendra Donelson, Audrey Gift, Sue Dryden and Marie Grad. (Dee Renee Ericks)

Audubon Society celebrates anniversary

The Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society celebrated its 50th anniversary during a recent open house at the Dungeness River Nature Center. Seated, from left, are Ken Wiersema, Dow Lambert and John Gussman. Standing, from left, are Bob Boekelheide, Kendra Donelson, Audrey Gift, Sue Dryden and Marie Grad.

In addition to monthly talks by experts, Wednesday bird walks and field trips, the society also provides opportunities to participate in bird and wildlife conservation efforts. Current projects include the Trumpeter/Tundra Swan Study, Bird Safe/Strike Program, Pigeon Guillemot Survey, Puget Sound Seabird Survey, Purple Martin Nest Box Project and the Western Bluebird/Climate Watch Study. For more information, visit www.olympicpeninsulaaudubon.org.

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