Car show, veterans standdown this coming week on Peninsula

A legal justice fundraiser, a car show and a veterans stand down are among the upcoming activities on the North Olympic Peninsula.

Information also is available on the interactive calendar at


Lawyers’ fundraiser

PORT ANGELES — A fundraiser for the Clallam-Jefferson Pro Bono Lawyers group, “Protecting Legal Rights: Immigration Law in an Age of Uncertainty,” will be held at 6 tonight at the Little Theater at Peninsula College.

Tickets are $20 at the door and in advance at the theater, 1502 E. Lauridsen Blvd.

Washington’s solicitor general, Noah Purcell, will be a presenter along with Jorge Baron, executive director of the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project.

For information, call Shauna Rogers at 360-504-2422 or email probono

Pennies for Quarters

PORT ANGELES — Black Diamond Junction will perform in a fundraiser for Pennies for Quarters at 7 tonight at the Naval Elks Lodge.

Tickets are $15 per person or $25 per couple at the door, 131 E. First St.

Tickets are for sale at KONP, Necessities and Temptations, Bar Hop and Harbinger Winery or online at http://brownpaper

Pennies for Quarters is a nonprofit raising money to build housing for homeless veterans in the area.

There will be live music, dancing and an auction.

For information, call Matthew Rainwater at 360-775-4222.

Birthday celebration

PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles High School class of 1960 will host two 75th birthday parties for the 1960 graduating class today and Saturday.

The first celebration will be at the Port Angeles Yacht Club, 1305 Marine Drive, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. today.

The second will be at Neske’s Nook, 1444 Wabash Ave., from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday.

For more information, call Cindy Bruch Schlaffman at 360-460-1375.

Hoarding Task Force

PORT ANGELES — The Clallam County Hoarding Task Force will meet from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. today at Peninsula Behavioral Health.

The task force will convene in behavioral health’s meeting room, 118 E. Eighth St.

According to a news release: “The task force offers responsible and ethical help for individuals in unsafe hoarding situations in collaboration with local experts, resources and stakeholders.”

For more information, contact Susie Winters at 360-460-8927 or email

Zombie escape

PORT ANGELES — Teens in Port Angeles and Sequim are invited to participate in the North Olympic Library System’s “Escape Room Challenge: Zombie Apocalypse” at their local library.

The event will be held today at the Port Angeles Library, 2210 S. Peabody St.

The second event will be held Friday, Aug. 3 at the Sequim Library, 630 N. Sequim Ave.

Each event will begin at 6 p.m.

Attendees will “help save the world and escape the zombie apocalypse … working together with other players to find clues, solve critical thinking puzzles, and break codes in order to retrieve the zombie anti-virus,” according to a press release.

For more information, call 360-460-8500, email or visit

Veterans memorial

PORT ANGELES — The Marine Corps League, Mt. Olympus Detachment VFW, American Legion and others will host a veterans memorial at 1 p.m. today at Veterans Park on Lincoln St., between Second and Third streets.

The names of all local veterans are read and a replica of the Liberty Bell is run after each.

If possible, an American flag is folded and presented to a family member of one of the deceased. An honor guard then fires three volleys and a bugler plays taps.

There is also a bagpiper who plays before and after the ceremony.

Anniversary party

PORT ANGELES — The Interfaith Community in Clallam County and the Center for Spiritual Living will celebrate one year on the Olympic Peninsula with live music, food, dancing and prayer from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday.

The celebration will be hosted at the Center for Spiritual Living, 254 N. Bagley Creek Road.

All are welcome. Attendees should bring a potluck and an “open heart,” according to the Facebook event page.

Car show, barbecue

PORT ANGELES — Members of the public are invited to Park View Villas’ car show and barbecue from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday.

Attendees can enjoy burgers, hot dogs, clowns, music from the Secords and a classic car show at the villas, 1430 Park View Lane.

For more information, go to

Pro bono lawyers

PORT ANGELES — Clallam-Jefferson County Pro Bono Lawyers will present “Law at the Landing” from noon to 3 p.m. Saturday.

The event at The Landing mall, 115 E. Railroad Ave., is intended to help the public address legal issues in one-on-one consultations with volunteer lawyers.

Volunteer attorneys will provide and assist with completing advance directive forms including a power of attorney for finances, power of attorney for medical and a health care directive.

There is an anticipated high demand for this clinic, so attendees are asked to arrive on time.

For more information and to register, contact Shauna Rogers McClain at 360-504-2422 or probono

Habitat concert

PORT ANGELES — Shaggy Sweet will be the featured performer at 7 p.m. Saturday in a concert benefit at Olympic Cellars.

Tickets are $13 in advance and $15 at the door at the winery, 255410 U.S. Highway 101.

Tickets will be available at

There will be live music, wine and food.

Doors open at 6 p.m.

Hymn Sing by the Sea

PORT ANGELES — George Washington Inn and Estates will host a Hymn Sing by the Sea from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday.

Attendees at the free event at 939 Finn Hall Road are invited to bring lawn chairs and blankets for seating.

There will be singing of many traditional hymns of faith.

The event is free but the inn asks participants to register in advance by calling 360-452-5207.

Charity Porsche show

PORT ANGELES — Shiny Porsches will take over City Pier from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday.

The Olympic Peninsula Region of the Porsche Club Of America will return to the City Pier after a two-year hiatus for a charity car show at the pier, Lincoln St. and Railroad Ave.

Porsches spanning 60 years of the company’s history will be represented.

Proceeds will benefit Volunteers in Medicine of the Olympics (VIMO), a volunteer medical, behavioral health and dental clinic in Port Angeles, which primarily serves low-income and homeless patients in Clallam and Jefferson counties.

Neighborhood watch

PORT ANGELES — The Upper C 12-18th Street Extension Neighborhood Watch will meet from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday.

The meeting will be at the Port Angeles Fire Department, 102 E. Fifth St.

The topic will be “Community Oriented Policing (COP) & Neighborhood Empowerment.”

Medicare class

PORT ANGELES — Those turning 65 soon are invited to a free class on all aspects of Medicare coverage from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Thursday.

Volunteers from Senior Information and Assistance, sponsored by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner, will present the class at the Port Angeles Senior Center, 328 E. Seventh St.


Garage sale

SEQUIM — The Sequim Prairie Garden Club will host a fundraiser garage sale from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday.

The sale will be at 211 Robbins Road.

Tools, kitchen items, furniture and garden art will be among the items on sale.

Proceeds will be used for upkeep of the grounds and plants at the 4-acre Pioneer Memorial Park at 387 E. Washington St., Sequim.

Work to learn

SEQUIM — The Sequim Botanical Garden Society invites the public to work alongside its members at the Sequim Botanical Garden at 1 p.m. Saturday.

Jean Pier will present “Dead-heading For Little Helpers in the Garden” to kick off the event at Carrie Blake Community Park, 202 N. Blake Ave.

Attendees will be able to take home a bouquet of lavender.

Those interested in attending are asked to bring their own tools, boots, sunscreen and hats.

For more information, contact Jena Pier at 360-681-2308 or jeanpier@bell

Car show, music

SEQUIM — A car show and barbecue are planned at Fifth Avenue Independent Living from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday.

Admission will be free to the event at the facility at 500 W. Hendrickson Road.

Vintage cars of the 1920s, ’30s and ’40s will be on display.

The Old Sidekicks band will perform bluegrass and country music from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Chefs will be standing ready at the barbecue where visitors can buy hamburgers, hot dogs, drinks and all the fixings for $10.

For more information, see

Elks bingo

SEQUIM — The Sequim Elks Lodge will host bingo games from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday and Thursday.

Minimum buy-in for the games is $10 at the lodge, 143 Port Williams Road.

Players must be 18 or older.

Snacks and refreshments will be available.

For information, contact Crystal Parker at 360-683-3034.

Ribbon cutting

SEQUIM — The Sequim Chamber of Commerce will host a ribbon-cutting ceremony at noon Monday for new Tesla vehicle charging stations at the Holiday Inn Express.

The chamber invites the public to take part in this event at 1441 E. Washington St.

For information, go to


Boat tours

PORT TOWNSEND — The public is invited to take a free tour on a Martha J–A 1984 24-foot motor launch from noon to 4 p.m. today and Saturday and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday.

Those interested are asked to meet on the floating dock in front of the Northwest Maritime Center, 431 Water St.

Tours are by donation and take about 30 minutes.

Tours also will be held from noon to 4 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday.

The service is on a first-come-first-serve basis, with a six person capacity.

Veterans Stand Down

PORT TOWNSEND — Voices for Veterans will host a one-day Veterans Stand Down from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday at the Port Townsend Elks Lodge.

The event at 555 Otto St. will be free to homeless vets and all veterans in need.

There will be hot meals, health screenings, employment services, housing assistance, haircuts, free clothing, bedding, hygiene kits and outdoor equipment.

For information, call Paul at 360-640-0296, Gary at 360-731-6398 or Jeff at 360-797-1791.

Conversation cafe

PORT TOWNSEND — Conversation Cafe will meet at 11:45 a.m. today.

The public is invited to take part in discussions at Alchemy Bistro and Wine Bar, 842 Washington St.

The topic for this week was not available.

For more information, go to

Free Fridays

PORT TOWNSEND — Centrum’s lunchtime concerts and reading series at Fort Worden State Park continue at 12 p.m. today with a performance by the Jazz Port Townsend Participant Big Band, led by Clarence Acox.

The concert will be held at the Nora Porter Commons at 200 Battery Way.

For information, call 360-385-3102.

Discount swim night

PORT TOWNSEND — Mountain View Pool will hold a discount swim night from 5 to 8 tonight.

Admission will be $3 at the pool, 1925 Blaine St.

Children younger than 8 years old must be accompanied by a guardian.

For information, call 360-385-7665 or email

Summer band concert

PORT TOWNSEND — Port Townsend Summer Band will host a concert at 3 p.m. Sunday at Chetzemoka Park.

Attendees should bring chairs and blankets to the free concert at the park on Jackson St.

For information, call 360-344-3658 or go to

Nature walk

PORT TOWNSEND — Naturalist Nicole Larson will lead a nature walk at Fort Worden from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday.

The group will meet at the west entrance of the Fort Worden woods; turn left at the first stop sign inside the state park at 200 Battery Way.

The group will hike up to two miles. Participants should bring water and snacks.

Parents with children ages 6 and older are welcome; children ages 8 and older may attend without parents.

For information, call 360-385-3181 or email


Smokey Bear

BRINNON — The public is invited to Dosewallips State Park’s presentation about Smokey Bear at 8 p.m. Saturday.

A park ranger will read from a book about the real Smokey’s origins at the park’s amphitheater, 306996 U.S. Highway 101.

A Discover Pass is required for entry to the event.

For more information, call 360-796-4415.

Playgroup meeting

BRINNON — The Brinnon School will host a Kaleidoscope Play & Learn Playgroup from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Tuesday and Thursday.

Kids ages 0 to 5 can drop by the school, 46 Schoolhouse Road, for snacks and crafts.

For more information, call 360-796-4646.

Open house, barbecue

BRINNON — The public is invited to Brinnon Fire Department’s free open house and barbecue event at 1 p.m. Saturday.

Hamburgers, brats, pulled pork and hot dogs will be available at the department’s headquarters, 272 Schoolhouse Road.

Those interested can bring homemade salads and deserts to the event.

For more information, call Sandy Bardon at 360-796-2051.


Build a boffer

QUILCENE — The Jefferson County Library will host a “Build Your Own Boffer” session at the Quilcene Community Center at 2 p.m. Tuesday.

The free library event will help kids build boffers, constructed of foam-wrapped PVC pipe, duct tape and imagination, to use in live-action role-playing games and mock combat at the center, 294952 U.S. Highway 101.

All ages will be welcome but participants younger than 9 must be accompanied by an adult.

Materials are being provided by a donation from Quilcene Henery’s Hardware.


Sun prints

PORT HADLOCK — The Jefferson County Library will host sessions of artmaking with natural items at 2 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. today.

The free sessions will take place at the library, 620 Cedar Ave.

The 2 p.m. session will be for children ages six to 11. The 3:30 p.m. session will be for teens ages 12 to 18.

Participants will create sun prints using feathers, leaves, flowers and other objects from the natural world.


GOP meeting

PORT LUDLOW — Anne Stiles, the president of the Clallam County Republican Women, will speak at the meeting of the Republican Women of Jefferson County at 11:30 a.m. Thursday.

The meeting will be at the Inn at Port Ludlow, 1 Heron Road.

For more information, call Peggy Reep at 360-385-4953.


Relay for Life breakfast

FORKS — A Relay for Life breakfast is planned at 9 a.m. Sunday at St. Anne Catholic Church.

The fundraiser will be in the church at 511 Fifth Ave.

Biscuits and gravy will be served.

Christmas in July

FORKS — The Forks Elks Lodge at 941 Merchants Road will host a Christmas in July event at 10 a.m. Sunday.

“Shop now from a wide range of vendors, relax when the holidays arrive,” organizers said.

For information, call Ilene at 360-640-8155.

Elks bingo

FORKS — The Forks Elks Lodge will host bingo games at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday.

Early bird sessions will start at 6:30 p.m. Regular bingo will start at 7 p.m.

Concessions will be available for purchase.

Parent Night

FORKS — Quillayute Valley School District will host a Fall Sports Parent Night at 6 p.m. Thursday.

The meeting in the Forks High School Commons, 261 Spartan Ave., is for all families with an athlete participating in a fall sport in seventh through 12th grades.

The district will present its goals for its athletic programs. Coaches will be available.

Kids Create Art

FORKS — The Forks Library will host Kids Create Art at 3 p.m. Thursday.

The free event will be in the library at 171 S. Forks Ave.

Materials will be provided.

Young artists will have an opportunity to work with pencils, paints, print blocks and rollers to create pop art-styled, multi-imaged animal prints.

To register, go to or call 360-374-6402.

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