PORT ANGELES — Anna Plager will present “Woodcock Demonstration Garden Then and Now: 1987 to 2021” at 10:30 a.m. Saturday.
Plager’s lecture is part of the Clallam County master gardeners Digging Deeper webinar series on Zoom.
Plager will discuss three decades of the master gardeners’ demonstration garden, located at 2711 Woodcock Road in Sequim.
She will also discuss the relationship between the Master Gardener Foundation of Clallam County, which owns the garden, and the Washington State University Extension, which runs the master gardener program.
A link to the Zoom meeting is available at https://extension.wsu.edu/clallam.
To listen only, call 253-215-8782, then enter meeting ID 947 5275 0784 and passcode 236980.