PORT ANGELES — Unity in the Olympics’ 10:30 a.m. Sunday service speakers will be Inette Miller and Iokepa ‘Imaikalani.
Their lesson at the church at 2917 E. Myrtle St. is titled, “Huliau-Returned Voyage.”
‘Imaikalani is a native Hawaiian who seeks to “embrace his aboriginal identity and reawaken his ancestral culture,” according to a news release.
Inette is a Jewish woman who joined ‘Imaikalani on his journey to Hawaii to “walk the paths of his ancestors,” according to the release.
A time for silent meditation will be held from 10 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.
Child care is available during the service.
Free potluck
SEQUIM — The Sisters will have a potluck and speaker event at the Sequim Worship Center from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday.
Pat Walker and Jerry Chapman will speak at the event in the center, 640 N. Sequim Ave.
This event is free and open to the public. A $5 donation is suggested.
Those interested in participating in the potluck are encouraged to bring a finger food dish of their choosing.
Organizers ask that those interested register in advance. To register, call 360-681-0307.
Taize service
SEQUIM — All are welcome to the ecumenical Taize service at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 525 N. Fifth Ave., at 7 p.m. Monday.
There will be a meditative, candlelit atmosphere that includes singing simple, repetitive songs during the hour-long service.
Taize will continue to be held the fourth Monday of each month.
Peninsula Daily News