PORT ANGELES — Each filmmaker will tell a tale in 60 seconds during a “The One Minute Film Festival” in March.
The online student film festival is set for 8 p.m. Friday, March 19. Free tickets are available on Eventbrite at bit.ly/3tV7ebS; the link will be available at least one day prior to show time.
The festival challenged each student to tell a story in one minute.
“Some people might find it impossible to capture an entire world and a story to tell in just one minute,” college instructor Lara Starcevich said.
“These students chose to challenge that way of thinking and not only tackle the obstacle, but do so with flying colors and unimaginable creativity.”
The project is a collaboration between the Drama 101 and Film 120 classes at Peninsula College.
Students were responsible for everything from writing their original scripts to casting and directing their own films.
Actors, writers, and directors include Ash Boss, Yu Chigira, Anthony Cortani, Christian Eastman, Sydney Frymyer, Cassius Jennings, Mariah Lachester, Madeline Montana, Kevin Slow, Kong Tong, Connor West and Starcevich.
The festival features a collection of films exploring drama, comedy and everything in between.
Featured films are:
• “The Time” by Ash Boss — A memento of how little time we may or may not have in life. It explores how much time is wasted each day and the different emotions we feel during our lives.
• “Note of Death” by Anthony Cortani — Someone receives a note saying what time they’ll die, and the audience watches as events unfold, leading up to their death.
• “New Normal” by Mariah Lachester — This film follows a day in the life of a person shopping for their essentials during a world-wide pandemic. While dealing with these new changes in the world and going to the grocery store, she asks himself/herself, “Is this the new normal?”
• “The Port Townsend Pirate” by Cash Lannister — Follow a great pirate exploring the seven seas until his journey brings him to the Bermuda Triangle. With no other choice but to face the consequences before him, he ends up traveling to the future. Will he be able to adapt to this new life or will he end up going mad?
• “Life with Demon” by Sydney Frymyer — Two characters have a conversation, but something about their chat stands out. One of the characters is actually talking to two people including a demon inside their own head.
• “Forgetting Beauty” by Conner West/directed by Madeline Montana — A man is afraid of forgetting his lost loved one, and reads writings from a journal in order to remember.