PORT ANGELES — A weekend full of music to get those toes tapping, art to inspire and food and fun to satisfy is set for the 15th annual Juan de Fuca Festival of the Arts.
Anna Manildi, executive director of the festival, said she doesn’t expect soaring gasoline prices to keep non-Peninsula residents from the event.
“This is a pretty special thing,” she said.
“We’ve been doing a lot of advertising in Victoria, and with the exchange rate of the dollar right now we think we might see more people than ever coming across the border.”
She said because the Fuca Festival is primarily a draw for local and regional visitors, $4 a gallon gas could encourage more people to go to the festival instead of traveling long distances for the first long weekend of the spring-summer season.
“People like to move and go places on Memorial Day weekend,” she said.
“So we hope that they will come here — but you just never know how gas prices will affect us.”