PORT ANGELES — A post-surgery black rockfish at Feiro Marine Life Center is in need of a new name.
From Monday to Friday, March 30, the center will gather public input to name the one-eyed fish on its Facebook page.
Anyone who submits a name by commenting will be entered to win a $50 gift certificate donated by Michael’s Seafood & Steakhouse.
After a group of Feiro staff and volunteers deliberate, the winning name will be announced Monday, April 2.
The fish underwent a surgery Feb. 6 during which veterinarian Dwight Waknitz and veterinarian tech Haley Brooks removed an inflamed eye.
Feiro Facilities Director Tamara Galvan claims the eye was irritated by debris stirred up by the fall and winter wave action.
Feiro staff monitored the fish’s recovery, noting that he was swimming and eating normally within a week, according to a news release.
With increased attention from guests, and a long life-span — black rockfish can live to be 50 years old — Galvan felt it was time to give him a name in order to better share his story with guests, according to the release. For more information, contact Feiro Executive Director Melissa Williams, at 360-417-6254 or melissaw@feiromarinelifecenter.org.