PORT ANGELES — The Hurricane Ridge Ski Patrol will conduct an Outdoor Emergency Care certification course beginning Saturday, Sept. 18.
The course, developed by the National Ski Patrol, teaches stabilization and extrication of injured persons in an outdoor environment and the identification of hazards to both skiers and to responders.
The training, and subsequent certification, are the first steps for skiers interested in volunteering for the ski patrol.
The seven-week course will meet from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays through Oct. 30; certification testing will be conducted on Saturday or Sunday, Nov. 13 or Nov. 14.
This course will be conducted in a classroom environment in Port Angeles; students who elect to join the Hurricane Ridge Ski Patrol will receive additional training on the ridge.
The course costs $60 per person; students who join the ski patrol will have the fee waived.
Students will also need to purchase a copy of “Outdoor Emergency Care,” sixth edition; the book costs $125, although ski patrol members may purchase a discounted copy for $93.
Membership in the ski patrol costs $60 in annual dues, and the Hurricane Ridge patrol asks members to volunteer for patrol eight days per season.
For more information on the class or the ski patrol, call Mike Maguire at 509-655-2820 or email tacoma town@gmail.com.