
HELP LINE: New Medicare card numbers are coming

I WANT TO go back over a couple of things today, because a lot of you are contacting me about them, asking me to go… Continue reading

HORSEPLAY: Teen riders need to practice this winter

HORSEPLAY: Teen riders need to practice this winter

THIS TIME OF year it can be difficult for high school equestrians to keep a horse in top athletic condition for competitive events such as… Continue reading

HORSEPLAY: Teen riders need to practice this winter
NJROTC competition results

NJROTC competition results

The Port Angeles High School Navy Junior Officers’ Reserve Training Corps participated in its first cadet competition this year.… Continue reading

  • Dec 10, 2017
NJROTC competition results
PENINSULA KITCHEN: Remember to enjoy the little moments

PENINSULA KITCHEN: Remember to enjoy the little moments

THE TELEVISION AND internet ads are claiming this to be a beautiful time of the year. Some might even declare it “The most wonderful time… Continue reading

PENINSULA KITCHEN: Remember to enjoy the little moments
Christmas story to come alive in Living Nativity tour

Christmas story to come alive in Living Nativity tour

Sequim Valley Nazarene Church is starting a new Christmas tradition this year with a “Living Nativity” tour church officials hope to continue for… Continue reading

Christmas story to come alive in Living Nativity tour

Daddy-Daughter Dance, children’s event set this week

The annual Cherish Our Children event in La Push and a Daddy-Daughter Dance in Port Angeles are among the upcoming activities on the North Olympic… Continue reading

Hitting high notes: Sequim choir program sending a record 20 to All-State Choir

Hitting high notes: Sequim choir program sending a record 20 to All-State Choir

In all the years choral teacher John Lorentzen has taught at Sequim High School, he has never had as many as 20 students… Continue reading

Hitting high notes: Sequim choir program sending a record 20 to All-State Choir
Hundreds gather for tree lighting, Santa visit in Port Townsend

Hundreds gather for tree lighting, Santa visit in Port Townsend

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in downtown Port Townsend as the holiday season is underway. Hundreds filled Washington Street… Continue reading

Hundreds gather for tree lighting, Santa visit in Port Townsend

A GROWING CONCERN: Poinsettias require exact conditions

SO HERE WE are. December. In the last month of the year. As the calendar closes down for this year, and last week’s column about… Continue reading

BACK WHEN: Readers share memories of Hay’s Farm

BACK WHEN: Readers share memories of Hay’s Farm

THERE WERE LOTS of responses to the November picture from the past and although two people thought it was somewhere else, most readers recognized it… Continue reading

BACK WHEN: Readers share memories of Hay’s Farm

BIRD WATCH: Here comes the sun

IN LESS THAN three weeks we will turn the corner. If you have been reading this column for even a short time, you will know… Continue reading

HELP LINE: Don’t get lost in terminology

ARE WE UP for a little bit of this and that? OK, here’s a this: You might recall I’ve been warning you periodically that next… Continue reading

Art workshop, Cocoa with Critters set for Peninsula

An art workshop at the Jefferson County Library and the Feiro Center’s “Cocoa with Critters” program are among the upcoming activities on the North Olympic… Continue reading

ISSUES OF FAITH: Walk the ground of gratitude

“NOTHING IS GIVEN that is not Taken, and nothing taken That was not first a gift” (Wendell Berry). I’m writing this column in the early… Continue reading

River center hosts bird classes, Explorers Club

The Dungeness River Audubon Center will host a family-friendly birding series of classes beginning in December. Each class at the center at 2151… Continue reading

A GROWING CONCERN: Turn you yard into a neighborhood showcase

SO THE HIGHLAND snow has given way to monsoon rains for days on end, and there seems no end to the leftover turkey. With that… Continue reading

BIRD WATCH: Weather ushers in some surprise visitors

SOME YEARS, THE population of sea ducks wintering on our protected waters is much less than others. This appears to occur during mild winters. That… Continue reading

PENINSULA HORSEPLAY: Learning to trim hoofs is essential skill

PENINSULA HORSEPLAY: Learning to trim hoofs is essential skill

JUST AS IT’S often said that knowledge is power, learning a new skill can be just so empowering. Hiring a farrier to trim and shoe… Continue reading

PENINSULA HORSEPLAY: Learning to trim hoofs is essential skill
PENINSULA KITCHEN: Roasted Brussels sprouts make for healthful snack

PENINSULA KITCHEN: Roasted Brussels sprouts make for healthful snack

BRUSSELS SPROUTS DO well in this cold, dark season of the nearly solstice. Just like the farmers who tend them, they are intrepid. A cold,… Continue reading

PENINSULA KITCHEN: Roasted Brussels sprouts make for healthful snack