PORT ANGELES — Port Angeles Education Foundation has presented eight seniors with academic achievement awards.
Students recognized were Hollund Bailey, Evan Cobb, Charlotte Hertel, Andrew Methner, Colby Rentas, Matthew Tiemersma, Linus Waddell and Daniel Weaver, all of Port Angeles High School (PAHS).
The foundation sponsored a luncheon in the lobby of the Port Angeles High School auditorium Nov. 2 for students who have achieved a high academic standard for their entire high school career.
The award requires a 3.5 GPA every semester for the first three years of high school — not only cumulative 3.5. In addition, they must have taken at least nine honors, Advanced Placement (AP), or University of Washington (UW) classes.
Parents and other family members were invited to join the luncheon. Foundation Board President Lynn Bedford and Annette Wendel, the foundation’s academic achievement award chair, called each student to the podium to receive a certificate and talk briefly about their plans for the future.
“We are dedicated to making our students more successful,” Belford said.
During the 2017-18 school year, the foundation awarded 47 scholarships worth $145,000 to PAHS and Lincoln High School graduates, as well as 14 additional scholarships for students already in college.
In addition, 113 students were served by the foundation through its basic needs program for everything from health care expenses to clothing items.
The nonprofit Port Angeles Education Foundation was formed in 1991 by community leaders to meet challenges to public education not met through traditional sources of funding.
In addition to the academic achievement awards program, other support is through school and teacher grants, scholarships for graduating seniors of Port Angeles and Lincoln high schools, and the Student Need Program.
For more information about the foundation, see www.portangeleseducation foundation.org.