Eight-year-old Makenzi Seimer, a third-grade student at Greywolf Elementary School, examines a display of stuffed water fowl with Shelly Ament, a wildlife biologist with the state Department of Fish and Wildlife at Ament’s display at Friday’s Dungeness River Festival at Railroad Bridge Park in Sequim. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)
The Dungeness River Festival celebrated its 20th anniversary this past weekend in Sequim. During the event, hosted by the Dungeness River Audubon Center, dozens of interactive displays and information booths promoted the health of the environment and of the nearby Dungeness River.
Liz Maier, a public health adviser for the state Department of Health, center, explains how clams filter sea water at a display booth at Friday’s Dungeness River Festival at Railroad Bridge Park in Sequim. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)
Americorps member Gabrielle Genhart-Stiehler, left, talks about a display of plastic debris that pollutes the ocean with Helen Haller Elementary fifth-graders Joe Dorrell and Darren George and educator Carla German at a booth by the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary at the Dungness River Festival on Friday. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)