PORT ANGELES — Port Angeles Eagle Scout Jonathan T. Scott, 18, has been named Scout of the Year by Washington’s Veterans of Foreign Wars.
In April, representatives with Sequim’s VFW Post 4760 awarded Scott the post’s Scout of the Year award along with the District 14 VFW award.
With those wins, he’s invited to the Washington VFW Convention June 23-27 in Spokane before being considered for the national competition and a $5,000 scholarship.
Scott, an Eagle Scout with Troop 1460 and now active with Sea Scout Troop 1212, received $100 from the Sequim post, and will receive a $500 award from the state group.
For consideration, Scott submitted an essay, his various scouting awards, scouting travels, and shared details on his eagle project, a life jacket exchange by the boat ramp at the Port Angeles Boat Haven.
He plans to attend college at Central Washington University to become either a therapist or psychiatrist, he said.
VFW Post leaders said the scouting award is an annual program for Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Sea Scouts and Venturing Crews.
To be eligible, a scout has to have achieved Eagle Scout or the equivalent in their troop/group.
Submissions are due by March 1 each year.