Rock ‘n’ roll benefit Sunday — buy your tickets by phone

BLYN — Tickets are on sale to see Elvis, Buddy Holly, Janis Joplin and Stevie Ray Vaughn.

These musical legends and their soul-stirring songs will be recreated in two special fundraising shows for the Peninsula Daily News’ Peninsula Home Fund on Sunday.

The shows will be at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. at 7 Cedars Casino.

Tickets are $25 at the door and $20 in advance.

And you can order them by telephone today and Friday with a credit card and pick them up at 7 Cedars on Sunday.

Fifty percent of the cost of a ticket is an IRS tax-deductible donation to the Peninsula Home Fund, the PDN’s “handup, not a hand out” community assistance program.

Billed as a “Buddy Holly Birthday Party, it coincides with the Sept. 7, 1936, birthday of Holly (“That’ll Be The Day,” “Peggy Sue”).

Holly was killed in a plane crash on Feb. 3, 1959.

Performing will be The Reincarnations of Rock & Roll, a show and dance band with tributes to Elvis, Joplin and Vaughn.

Holly is performed by Raven, a Port Townsend musician, showman and actor.

Elvis is Jaymes, a Brinnon resident who has been performing tributes to Elvis for more than 20 years.

Kendra, Jaymes’ wife, developed her reincarnation of Joplin over decades of blues powerhouse singing.

Roger Olsen is Vaughn, singer, songwriter and electric blues guitarist.

The program will be emceed by Dale Hubbard, DJ at KMAS 1030 AM, a radio station in Shelton that plays “golden oldies.”

Tickets are available in advance at:

— Totem Rewards Club at 7 Cedars Casino.

— Strait Music, 1015 E. First St., Port Angeles.

— PDN offices in Port Townsend (1939 E. Sims Way), Sequim (150 S. Fifth Ave., No. 2) and Port Angeles (305 W. First St.).


You can phone the PDN at 360-452-2345 and order your tickets today and Friday using Visa or MasterCard —

then pick them up from a PDN representative at 7 Cedars on Sunday.

7 Cedars Casino is located in Blyn, 5 miles east of Sequim, on U.S. Highway 101.

Now in its 20th year, the Peninsula Home Fund is a safety net for children, teens, families and the elderly in Jefferson and Clallam counties — from Forks to Port Townsend, Quilcene and Brinnon to LaPush — when they face economic or emotional emergencies and can’t find help elsewhere.

No money is diverted for administration or other overhead.

Every penny collected goes, without deductions, for hot meals for seniors, warm winter coats for children, home repairs for the low income, needed prescription drugs, dental work, safe, drug-free temporary housing, eyeglasses — the list goes on and on.

For more information, contact John Brewer, PDN editor and publisher, at 360-417-3500.

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