PORT ANGELES — With COVID-19 restrictions still in place, Clallam County Master Gardeners are implementing self-guided tours at the Fifth Street Community Garden in Port Angeles to teach local gardeners about vegetable gardening on the North Olympic Peninsula.
These tours are in lieu of monthly garden walks provided in the past.
As with the garden walks, tours at 328 E. Fifth St. will focus on what is happening (or should be happening) in the vegetable garden each month and will highlight:
• Which vegetables grow well in this climate.
• What needs to be done in the vegetable garden.
• What control measures exists for common pests and diseases.
Tours started Saturday and will continue through September, or until mandated restrictions are lifted.
New topics will be determined every month and identified by the second Saturday of the month.
Up to 10 topics about vegetable gardening will be identified by poles and coordinating numbers. Visitors are invited to pick up a tour sheet, locate the numerals and test their gardening knowledge.
Poles flagging focal points and tour sheets will be available for two weeks.
Because the garden is ever-changing, it is possible that identified problems will be resolved before the tour is taken, tour organizers say.
The garden includes more than 50 individual 9-foot by 12-foot plots that are rented by community members and is open during daylight hours.
COVID-19 protocols, including social distancing and wearing masks, are encouraged while visiting the garden.
For more information about the self-guided garden tours, call 360-565-2679.