PORT ANGELES — Pam Larsen will offer tips for growing organic garlic at noon Thursday.
The lecture will be in the county commissioner’s meeting room of the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.
Larsen’s presentation is part of the “Green Thumb Garden Tips” educational series sponsored by the Clallam County WSU Master Gardeners.
She will present information about hard and soft neck garlic varieties, as well as discussing when to plant, soil prep, fertilizing, how to plant, maintenance, how to decide when to harvest and how to dry and store harvested garlic bulbs.
Co-founder of the Sequim Community Garden, Larsen started Sequim Organic Gardeners about 14 years ago to provide a forum for organic gardeners to share methods and results and bring speakers to amplify their knowledge.
She has grown garlic in our local climate for her own consumption and for sale as “seed” to fellow organic gardeners for 15 years.
Larsen teaches classes on organic gardening and created the Rainshadow Planting Guide to help gardeners plan planting times for annual vegetables.
The “Green Thumb Gardening Tips” series is presented on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month and is free and open to the public.
Attendees are invited to bring a lunch.
For more information, call 360-565-2679.