Garage sales along 61 miles of scenic highway, book signings, dances and walking tours of Port Townsend’s Victorian seaport are among activities available on the North Olympic Peninsula this weekend.
For more information on other arts and entertainment, see Peninsula Spotlight, the Peninsula Daily News’ weekly entertainment guide, in today’s PDN.
Other events are listed in the Peninsula calendar at
Great Strait Sale
JOYCE — The fifth annual Great Strait Sale will stretch 61 miles along the Strait of Juan de Fuca Scenic Byway — also known as state Highway 112 — on Saturday.
The sale runs from Laird’s Corner to Neah Bay, with yard and garage sales abounding along the route.
Community sale sites will be at the Joyce Depot Museum, the Clallam Bay School Bus Barn and the Neah Bay Village Market.
Locator maps for the sales are available at Wagner’s Grocery, online at and at the community sale sites Saturday.
For more information, email Sande Balch at or phone 360-457-1424.
Books signed
OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK — North Olympic Peninsula historian Mavis Amundson will sign copies of her books at Lake Crescent Lodge from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday.
Amundson is the author of the true-crime book The Lady of the Lake as well as The Great Forks Fire and Sturdy Folk.
Lake Crescent is the setting for The Lady of the Lake, a story about a murdered woman whose “saponified” body was found in its pristine waters in 1940.
The discovery captured the public’s imagination, and the murdered woman became known as the “Lady of the Lake.”
The Great Forks Fire is a true account of an enormous and fast-moving forest fire that swept toward Forks in 1951.
Heroic efforts by its citizens, and not a small amount of luck, spared the town.
Amundson’s first book was Sturdy Folk, a collection of memoirs describing life on the Peninsula in the early days of the 20th century.
Amundson formerly worked as an editor with the Peninsula Daily News. She now lives in Seattle.
Historical potluck
FORKS — The West End Historical Society will hold its annual potluck picnic at noon Saturday.
The potluck will be at the lakeside property of Lonnie and Marge Archibald, No. 330, adjacent to Lake Pleasant County Park.
Nonmembers are welcome to attend.
Chili cookoff
BEAVER — The 11th annual Bear Creek Potluck and Chili Cookoff is Saturday.
Cooks will meet at 11:30 a.m. at the cafe at Milepost 208 on U.S. Highway 101 between Port Angeles and Forks and start cooking at noon.
By 3 p.m., they will have finished, and visitors can dig in.
Free hot dogs and hamburgers are planned.
Live music will begin at 5 p.m.
Trophies will be awarded.
For more information, phone the cafe at 360-327-3225.
Rock, gem, jewelry
PORT ANGELES — More than 35 vendors are expected at a Rock, Gem and Jewelry Show set Saturday and Sunday.
The show will be at the Vern Burton Community Center, 308 E. Fourth St., from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday.
The free show is sponsored by the Clallam County Gem and Mineral Association.
It will include gem dealers, demonstrations, raffle drawings, food vendors, glass art, beads, lapidary equipment, gifts, jewelry-making supplies, beads, tools, gemstones, fossils, rocks, minerals and games for children.
For more information, visit
Art party
PORT ANGELES — A free opening reception with artist Peggy Wesley is set for Saturday night at The Landing Art Gallery, the artists’ cooperative inside The Landing mall at 115 E. Railroad Ave.
The public is invited to enjoy refreshments and Wesley’s show, “Where Water Flows,” an exploration of the colors and motion of water.
Wesley is the featured artist this month, so her paintings — of clouds, lakes, streams, rain and seas — are highlighted all month at The Landing’s gallery.
For more details, phone the venue at 360-452-2604.
Derby car wash
PORT ANGELES — The Port Scandalous Roller Derby team plan a car wash at the Roadrunner 76 gas station, 1023 E. Front St., from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday.
The Port Scandalous Brawl Stars will head to Salem, Ore., to take on the Cherry City Derby Girls on Oct. 20.
Proceeds from the car wash will go toward trip expenses such as gas, rooms and food.
Coin club meeting
PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles Coin Club will meet at the Port Angeles Library, 2210 S. Peabody St., at 3:30 p.m. Saturday.
The club meets the second Saturday of each month to evaluate and discuss collecting coins and currency.
The public is welcome to attend and encouraged to bring in their own currency.
Historical sale set
PORT ANGELES — The Clallam County Historical Society’s annual garage sale continues this weekend with a half-price day from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. today and a buck-a-bag day from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday.
The sale, which began last weekend with thousands of items, is at the site of the former Lincoln School site at Eighth and C streets in Port Angeles.
Special sections are reserved for tools, clothing, furniture, crafts, kitchenware, jewelry, books, toys and collectibles.
This is the historical society’s 18th sale and is its major fundraiser.
Proceeds go toward the renovation of the old Lincoln School site as a museum and research library for the historical society.
Last year’s sale netted the historical society more than $28,000, said Kathy Monds, executive director.
For more information, phone 360-452-2662, email or visit
Roosevelt reunion
PORT ANGELES — The Roosevelt High School Class of 1945 will hold a reunion at Smugglers Landing, 115 E. Railroad Ave., from noon to 4 p.m. Saturday.
Anyone associated with the class — including spouses of deceased class members — may attend.
The class has met every year for the past decade to share stories and reminisce.
Attendees pay for their own food and drinks.
For more information, phone Betty Tucker Abbott at 360-452-9183.
Checkpoints talk
PORT ANGELES — Christina Lopez, the write-in vice-presidential candidate of the Freedom Socialist Party, will speak at a Stop the Checkpoints meeting Saturday.
The meeting will be held at the Port Angeles Library, 2210 S. Peabody St., at 2 p.m.
Lopez will present her recently published booklet Estamos en la Lucha: Immigrant Women Light the Fires of Resistance.
Lopez is a member of the Seattle Radical Women organization.
Lopez is running on the Freedom Socialist ticket with presidential candidate Stephen Durham.
Birthday cake will be served in honor of the fourth anniversary of the Stop the Checkpoints organization.
Zen meditation set
PORT ANGELES — NO Sangha Zen meditation group will hold a Zazenkai — a one-day Zen retreat — from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday.
The retreat will be at Murre Cottage, 420 W. Third St.
Visitors can come and go during the day.
Alternated zazen (seated meditation), kinhin (walking meditation) and private, individual instruction will be available.
Silent coffee/tea breaks and a vegetarian soup and bread lunch will be offered.
A Sutra, or chanting service, will be held at 10 a.m.
At 1 p.m., Kristen Larson, a Master of the Diamond Sangha, will give a Teisho, the word for a Master’s Dharma Talk, on “Wu-men Kuan, case No. 7, Zhauzhou: Wash Your Bowl.”
For directions or more information, phone 360-452-5534 or email
Open house set
PORT ANGELES — Jamberry Nails consultant Tricia Perry will hold an open house at Shear Elegance Salon, 210 E. Fourth St., at 2 p.m. Sunday.
Perry will present Jamberry Nails 2012 Fall/Winter Catalog at the open house.
Attendees can enter to win a free Jamberry manicure and pedicure and gift basket.
Cake and beverages will be served.
For more information, visit or email
Dog park opening
PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles Off-Leash Dog Park at Lincoln Park will hold its opening ceremonies celebration at 5:30 p.m. today.
Free food service, courtesy of Taco Time, will begin at 5 p.m.
Visitors with or without dogs are welcome.
The dog park is located on about 1.85 acres of land in Lincoln Park on West Lauridsen Boulevard, just east of William R. Fairchild International Airport.
Mayor Cherie Kidd will throw out the “first fetch,” and there will be prizes and volunteer booths to enlist members for the Citizen Off-Leash Dog Park Committee.
The Olympic Peninsula Humane Society will be present, with dogs available for adoption.
Flower box fundraiser
PORT ANGELES — The Answer For Youth will hold a perennial flower box fundraiser in the parking lot of Angeles Furniture, 1114 E. First St., from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday.
The perennials were planted by Wayne Roedell in locally made cedar boxes.
For more information, phone 360-670-4363.
Outdoor Flea Market
SEQUIM — Olympic View Church of God will hold its inaugural Outdoor Flea Market from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday.
The market will take place on the church’s property at the corner of Brown and Fir roads in Sequim.
Proceeds from the event will go to the Women’s Ministry program and replace the annual Christmas bazaar.
All vendors are welcome.
For more information, phone 360-683-7897.
Davis’ blues
SEQUIM — Blues guitarist Thom Davis will offer his traditional tunes today at Dungeness Bay Wine & Cheese, 123 E. Washington St.
Davis’ free music, to start at 6 p.m., is part of the First Friday Art Walk from 5 p.m. till 8 p.m.
For details, phone the venue at 360-681-2778.
Book discussion
SEQUIM — The novel Seabiscuit, by Laura Hillenbrand, will be discussed at the Sequim Library, 630 N. Sequim Ave., at 3 p.m. Saturday.
Thoroughbred horse Seabiscuit was the single biggest news-maker in 1938, receiving more coverage than Franklin D. Roosevelt, Hitler or Mussolini.
But his success was a surprise to the racing establishment.
Copies of the book are available in multiple formats at the Sequim Library, including regular and large print, audiobook on CDs, as well as the movie made from the book.
They can be requested online through the library catalog at
Preregistration for this program is not required, and drop-ins are welcome.
For more information, phone Sequim branch manager Lauren Dahlgren at 360-683-1161 or email
Anniversary party
SEQUIM — Aspire Academy, 160 Harrison Road, will hold its fifth anniversary open house and party from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday.
The expressive arts academy offers music lessons, dance classes, gymnastics and Zumba fitness sessions.
The anniversary open house will include free classes, live entertainment, balloons and Popsicles.
For more information, phone 360-681-3979 or visit
Grandparents Day
SEQUIM — A Grandparents Recognition Day will be held at the Sequim Senior Center, 921 E. Hammond St., from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday.
Grandparents are raising their grandchildren in increasing numbers each year.
This event will provide information on programs and support systems in place for grandparents raising grandchildren.
Refreshments will be provided.
It is sponsored by Information and Assistance, the Olympic Area Agency on Aging and the Sequim Senior Center.
For more information, phone Information and Assistance at 360-452-3221.
Ice-cream social
SEQUIM — The Sequim Prairie Grange will host its last ice-cream social of the year from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday.
Banana splits and sundaes will be available for a $5 donation at the door.
The grange is located at 290 Macleay Road.
For more information, phone Shelley Smith at 360-681-3881.
PC users group
SEQUIM — The Sequim PC Users Group — or SPCUG — will discuss genealogical research sites available on the Internet and how to use them at a presentation at 10 a.m. Saturday.
The event will be in the computer lab, Room E-3, at Sequim High School, 601 N. Sequim Ave.
Admission is free, but donations will be accepted.
Sources of genealogical information available through local genealogical societies also will be presented.
The talk will be followed by an open forum for questions on any computer-related topic.
For more information, email
Costumed tours
PORT TOWNSEND — Costumed guides from the Jefferson County Historical Society will lead historical walking tours of Port Townsend on Saturday and Sunday.
A downtown walk will begin at the Jefferson County Museum, 540 Water St., at 2 p.m. Saturday.
A tour of the uptown historic district will begin at the Rothschild House, corner of Franklin and Taylor streets, at 2 p.m. Sunday.
The cost is $10 for adults and $5 for children.
Participants will hear stories about Port Townsend’s past and learn what it was like to live in the Victorian era.
Walking tour participants also receive free admission to the Jefferson County Museum of Art and History and the Rothschild House.
For more information, phone 360-385-1003.
Storyteller slated
PORT TOWNSEND — Seattle storyteller Auntmama, aka Mary Anne Moorman, will appear as part of the September First Friday Storynight at Better Living Through Coffee, 100 Tyler St.
In addition, Leif Hansen, an improvisational artist known as the “master of play,” will serve as guest host and storyteller. Storynight’s usual host, Brian Rohr, is on a storytelling tour in Illinois.
Admission to the gathering from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. Friday is $10, though no one will be turned away for lack of that sum.
As always on Storynight, the evening will include an open-mic section so attendees can share their own stories.
The only rules are it must obviously be a story, and no reading; everything must be shared in the ways of the oral tradition.
To learn more about Auntmama and her stories, visit
For details on First Friday Storynight, phone 360-531-2535 or visit
Dance at grange
PORT TOWNSEND — The Second Saturday Community Dance at Quimper Grange, 1219 Corona St., will be from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Saturday.
Eric Curl will call the dances, with music from Fresh Cider.
The cost is $6 for adults, $3 for ages 3 to 18 and free for those younger than 3.
For more information, visit
Blues singer
PORT TOWNSEND — Blues singer Teresa James will perform with her band, the Rhythm Tramps, at the Upstage Bistro, 923 Washington St., at 8 p.m. today.
Tickets are $12.
James and her husband, Terry Wilson, who is taking time off from his “day job” of playing bass for Eric Burdon and the Animals, are touring to support a new CD, “Come on Home.”
For more information, phone 360-385-2216 or visit
Crafts by the dock
PORT TOWNSEND — The 39th annual Crafts by the Dock Fair will be held at the corner of Madison and Water streets from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday.
The fair is one block from the Wooden Boat Festival.
Juried artists will sell handmade artwork of all types and varieties.
The Arts Guild raises funds from this and other events for scholarships for qualified, college-bound art students.
Up to $4,500 in donations are made each year typically.
Summer Band finale
PORT TOWNSEND — The Port Townsend Summer Band concludes its 20th concert season with a performance for elders at 2:30 p.m. Sunday.
The concert will be at Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 2333 San Juan Ave.
Conductor Karl Bach has chosen a variety of music, including an “old time” band overture to marches, an arrangement of Scottish themes, music from “Carousel,” a medley of “old time” themes, an arrangement of a French folk-song, a collection of Duke Ellington’s music and an arrangement of the hymn “Just a Closer Walk with Thee.”
The Adult Learning Program of the fellowship is sponsoring this concert, with a special invitation for residents of retirement facilities in the community.
The church is fully accessible to wheelchairs and walkers.
The concert is open to the general public and free of charge, though donations will be accepted.
For more information, visit