OLYMPIA — A $2.5 million grant of federal dollars has been given to the Olympic Consortium Workforce Development Council to help train residents.
The council oversees the training services for people in Clallam, Jefferson and Kitsap counties.
The money, part of $58 million from the Workforce Investment Act will be given to councils in the state.
The money goes to train at-risk students, low-income adults who need help getting a job and workers who have lost their jobs due to downsizing or closure, foreign competition or technological change.
Services include skills assessments, counseling, job-readiness and occupational training, job search, job referral and relocation assistance, according to a statement from the state Employment Security Department.
The education services will be available to those who qualify at regional WorkSource centers.
This year the region is being given less money, due to those dollars being diverted to Florida and Mississippi after natural disasters devastated that region, said Bill Tarrow, a spokesman for the department.
“It’s still very important money for the community,” he said.
For information on a nearby WorkSource center, go to www.go2worksource.com.