PORT ANGELES — A total of 524 athletes from at least eight states and British Columbia have been competing this weekend in contests from swimming to racquetball to bowling and bicycling during the Olympic Peninsula Senior Games.
And the three-day event, which began Friday with the carrying of the torch, isn’t over yet.
Today’s competitions for those 50 and older are being held all over Port Angeles.
Registration for the events is closed, but spectators are welcome.
Participants in the sixth annual event organized by the Port Angeles Senior Center hail from all over Washington state, Oregon and California, as well as from Alaska, British Columbia, Utah, Colorado, Alabama and Pennsylvania, said Elaine King, a member of the senior games steering committee.
D Bellamente, director of the senior center and primary organizer of the annual games, says the goal is to break down stereotypes about aging — while having fun.
Kayaking, which was originally scheduled for today, has been canceled, King said, but other events on right on track.
Today’s events
Track and field events will begin at 9 a.m. at the Port Angeles Community Track on Viewcrest Avenue between South Laurel and South Peabody streets, one block south of the Port Angeles High School.
Tennis will begin at 9 a.m. at the Erickson Park tennis courts, at Fourth and Race streets, while bowling starts at noon at Laurel Lanes, 108 W. Eighth St.
The first softball pitch will be at 9 a.m. at Shane Park, on South G Street between Seventh and Eighth streets.
Softball also will be played at the Elks Playfield at 13th and Cedar streets, King said.
Pickleball will be at Roosevelt Elementary School, 106 Monroe Road, at noon.
The pinochle championship competition will start at 2 p.m. at the Port Angeles Senior Center, 328 E. Seventh St.
Medals are awarded at the various venues.
Complete information on venues and start times is available at the senior center, where the phone number is 360-457-7004, and at www.OlympicPeninsulaSeniorGames.com.