PORT ANGELES — Clallam Transit System has corrected three procedural findings in an audit of the bus network’s operations during 2005 and 2006.
The report released Dec. 31 by state Auditor Brian Sonntag and shared with transit commissioners Monday included these criticisms:
Gifts totaled $7,615, and incentives — including transit’s annual awards banquet — came to $12, 874.
The health care benefits totaled $29,000, of which $21,462 were “unallowable,” the audit said.
It added that Clallam Transit should seek reimbursement from the state Public Employee Benefits Board.
The audit recommended that all revenues be recorded with pre-numbered receipts, deposited and posted quickly.
“There were a couple of policies we should have had in place,” said Terry Weed, Clallam Transit general manager.