OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK — A mother black bear and her two cubs caused a sensation (and a small traffic jam) on Hurricane Ridge Road for visitors taking advantage of the warm, sunny weather in Olympic National Park.
Our thanks to William B. Roby for sending along these photos.
You can learn about the park’s black bears here: http://www.nps.gov/olym/learn/nature/black-bear.htm
But a cautionary paragraph from park rangers deserves reprinting:
Do NOT approach bears! Though most are scared of humans, mothers with young are easily threatened. Always remain at a safe distance. It is important to read about how to properly secure your food and other scented items that attract bears and other creatures while camping in the park.
If you see a black bear in the national park or on the Olympic Peninsula, email a photo to news@peninsuladailynews.com, and we’ll post it on our website, Facebook and Twitter.
[Scroll down to the box below the photograph: Olympic National Park reopened Enchanted Valley to camping … with bear precautions.]