Wednesday’s scheduled bid opening for the Hood Canal Bridge renovation project and Port Angeles graving yard has been delayed until June 4.
A Department of Transportation official says a mountain of required paperwork involved is the reason for the delay.
“It’s a fairly typical process we go through,” said Pasco Bakotich, the agency’s assistant regional administrator for project development.
The $255 million project is one of the most complicated undertaken by Transportation, according to Bakotich.
It includes construction of the graving yard in Port Angeles — costing between $16 million and $20 million — then using the concrete dry dock to build pontoons and anchors for the new eastern have of the floating bridge, Bakotich said.
“The bid package has 1,800 plan sheets alone,” he said.
The rest of the story appears in the Sunday Peninsula Daily News. Click on SUBSCRIBE, above, to get the PDN delivered to your home or office.