PORT ANGELES — Two pickups collided at about 1:50 a.m. Sunday at First and Lincoln streets, but none of the eight people and one horse involved were injured.
A full-size Chevrolet pickup pulling a horse trailer was going east on First Street at the same time a Dodge Ram was traveling south on Lincoln Street, said Port Angeles Police Officer Erik Smith.
Both the 29-year-old female driver of the Chevrolet and the 22-year-old driver of the Dodge believed they had a green light.
Witnesses could not tell police who did, so no one was cited yet, Smith said.
“The damage to the vehicles were mirror images of each other, so it was impossible to tell who was at fault,” Smith said.
Smith said he would be contacting Homeland Security, which monitors the camera system connected to the light signals, to see if helpful images are available.
If so, police could determine who was at fault, he said.
The Dodge held the driver and five juvenile occupants and the Chevrolet also held an infant.
Smith declined to give the drivers’ names, saying he believed it was the policy of the department.