PORT ANGELES — The Clallam County Boundary Review Board will review three challenges to the city’s proposed western urban growth area annexation at hearings set for May 26 and June 23.
Clallam County Public Utility District, Dry Creek Water Association and a small group of private citizens have asked the Boundary Review Board to review the city’s proposed annexation of 346 west-side acres.
Clallam County Fire District No. 2 has withdrawn its request to the board after reaching a fire response service agreement with the city. The City Council approved that agreement at its March 22 meeting.
The City Council will consider a water services agreement with the Dry Creek Water Association at its special meeting Tuesday.
But Cindy Kelly of the water board said the two sides still have issues to resolve and the association isn’t withdrawing its challenge.
The City Council has set a public hearing on the annexation proposal for 7 p.m. April 19 in the council chambers at City Hall, 321 E. Fifth St.
City-county agreement
The Port Angeles City Council and Clallam County commissioners already have approved an interlocal agreement for the proposed annexation, meaning the county will not appeal it.
The city received an annexation request for the area that includes property south of Highway 101, extending west of the city limit at Old Joe Road about 1.5 miles to the edge of the western urban growth area opposite Reddick Road.
The property includes Lakeside Industries, Blue Mountain Leasing and the Eclipse Industrial Park, site of Port Angeles Hardwood LLC’s proposed alder and maple sawmill.
The proposed annexation area has an assessed valuation of $6.5 million.