PLEASE ALLOW US to do a bit of old-fashioned bragging about one of our own.
This stellar young man is Gavin Gamez, who became an Eagle Scout on Monday, Feb. 9, in Honolulu.
He is the the son of Navy Cmdr. Joshua and Ana Gamez of Honolulu (Joshua and Ana both graduated from Port Angeles High School) and the grandson of Port Angeles residents Vivian Hansen and Dan and Grace DeLeon.
(Vivian handles advertising sales for the PDN, Sequim Gazette and Forks Forum, especially ads for the newspapers’ three websites and websites belonging to the many other papers in western Washington of Sound Publishing Inc.)
Eagle Scout is the highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouting program.
Requirements include earning at least 21 merit badges and demonstrating Scout Spirit through the Boy Scout Oath and Law, service, outdoor activities, citizenship and leadership.
But it’s not the award that makes an Eagle . . . it’s all the experiences, and hard work attached to it, and what the Scout learns from them.
Nothing makes us happier than to see young men and women achieve honors like this.
We’re your community newspaper, and we delight in publishing photos of youth with local connections who earn their wings and soar — not only in Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts but in academics, music, athletics and other fields.
So fire off those photos to us (make them as high-res as possible; don’t forget to give us full names, dates, etc.).
Send them to
We’re proud of you, Gavin, and we salute you!