PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles Food Bank, in partnership with the Port Angeles School District, offered “break bags” to students whose parents signed them up for a bag of groceries going into spring break.
Break bags consist of fresh produce, dairy, meat and bread, as well as pantry essentials and dry goods, according to a press release. Spring break for the Port Angeles School District started Monday and goes through Friday.
Members of the Olympic Kiwanis formed an assembly line Thursday evening in the food bank to pack bags with the non-perishable foods. Refrigerated items were to be added the day of pickup.
The reusable tote bags were donated by Bags Go Green in Carlsborg.
“What we do as a group always has an emphasis on helping kids in our community,” said Fran Howell of Olympic Kiwanis.
Howell also serves on the Port Angeles Food Bank Board of Directors.
Parents were to pick up the food-filled tote bags at the Port Angeles Food Bank on Saturday.