FORKS — CenturyTel will sell a 6,000-square-foot office building to the city, with the assistance of Clallam County and the Clallam County Economic Development Council.
The building will be used to establish a business incubator and community learning center to be called the West End Business and Technology Center.
City, county and the Economic Development Council officials said the center is should be open by January, the same month the Port Angeles business incubator is expected to become operational.
The Forks facility at 71 N. Spartan Ave. will be acquired through a $200,000 grant from the Clallam County Opportunity Fund, which is used for public facilities and infrastructure promoting economic development.
A federal appropriation of $90,000 will match the Opportunity Fund contribution.
The rest of the story appears in the Wednesday Peninsula Daily News. Click on SUBSCRIBE, above, to get the PDN delivered to your home or office.