PORT ANGELES — Jan’s Country Garden, 344 O’Brien Road, will open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 26, for customers to pick up their dahlia tuber orders.
If unable to pick up April 26, customers with dahlia tuber orders can pick them up the last week of this month or the first week in May on Thursdays, Fridays
and Saturdays between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
This is also an opportunity for others who may have lost their tubers during the winter to purchase replacements.
To schedule an appointment or to pick up tubers at any other time, phone 360-452-8287.
Dahlias should be planted after May 1 or after the night temperature is consistently 50 to 60 degrees or warmer.
The general rule of thumb is to plant dahlias when lilacs begin to bloom.
For more information, phone 360-452-8287 or email janscountrygarden@yahoo.com.
Breakwater closed
CLALLAM BAY — The Breakwater Restaurant, 15582 state Highway 112, remains closed after a fire destroyed the kitchen April 6.
Owner Barbara Hamilton said she is hopeful that repairs can be made and the eatery can reopen within two months.