PORT ANGELES — The informational meeting on the Port Angeles School District’s proposed capital levy has been rescheduled to 6 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 22, due to concerns about adverse weather and unsafe driving conditions.
The public meeting, sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Clallam County will be in the city council chambers at Port Angeles City Hall, 321 E. Fifth St.
The $52 million levy to replace Stevens Middle School will appear on the Feb. 11 ballot for residents of Port Angeles.
According to a press release, school district representatives will present information and answer questions from the audience.
The league also has invited representatives of Port Angeles Citizens for Education, an organization that supports the levy, and Citizens for Affordable Schools, an organization that opposes the levy, to the meeting.
The program will be moderated by the league, which also will make a video recording of the meeting to post on its website at www.lwvcla.org.
Ballots for the Feb. 11 vote will be mailed to registered voters Jan. 22.
Residents can check their registration status or register online at www.votewa.gov.