PORT ANGELES — A mortal enters the world of the faerie, unbidden.
A man steals a sealskin and wins a wife.
A king disrespects a goddess and earns a curse.
This is the world of James the Obscure, teller of Celtic tales at the Port Angeles Library, 2210 S. Peabody St., on Tuesday night.
The Story People of Clallam County are hosts of this event, Story Swap from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. in the library’s Raymond Carver Room, where admission is free, and everyone is welcome.
James the Obscure, aka James Hodgson of Sequim, will offer three tales during the first half.
He calls his set “deep Celtic magic,” with legends about heroes and oaths fulfilled, promises kept and debts repaid.
After James the Obscure — a retired teacher and former Story People president — comes a refreshment break, followed by an open-mic section for other storytellers to step up and share their tales.
To find out more about the swaps held every second Tuesday of the month, visit www.ClallamStory
People.org or phone 360-452-8092.