PORT ANGELES — Clallam County’s first independent candidate for county commissioner received the most votes in Tuesday’s primary election.
Mike Chapman’s 1,780 votes, or 49.7 percent, means he’ll face apparent second-place candidate Terry Roth, who received 1,005 votes, 28 percent, in the state’s first top two primary election.
David Fox placed third with 797 votes, 22.3 percent, and appeared to be eliminated from the Nov. 4 general election.
“The voters have spoken, and I wish Mr. Roth and Mr. Chapman good luck in the general election,” Fox said.
Tuesday’s totals reflected only the 12,128 ballots that had been received through Thursday, according to county Auditor Patty Rosand.
She said at least 7,000 votes remain untallied, whether in drop boxes, the mail or the auditor’s office.
She blamed the slow counting on a late surge of voting and on write-in ballots her office is required to process.