PORT TOWNSEND — Citywide construction continues as streets are closed, driving is slow and crews continue to work, however the silver lining is in the economic and aesthetic boost the city will receive when the projects are completed next year.
“We’re trying to do our part to get things moving along until the economy shows signs of recovery,” said Port Townsend City Manager David Timmons.
“When this is completed we will be in a stronger position.”
Three major projects on Timmons’ list of projects are under way.
The largest is a $2.6 million renovation project on Upper Sims Way, expected to continue until May 2010, that includes the burial of utility lines, the repaving of roads and the installation of roundabouts SEmD or traffic circles SEmD at Howard and Thomas streets.
The city has budgeted $3.2 million, including $1.6 million in federal stimulus money, to handle overruns or other surprises.
The project on the main highway in and out of Port Townsend is one of the major construction undertakings on a list of city projects intended by city officials to complete a face-lift of Port Townsend and provide jobs for the local economy.
“So far, so good,” said Samantha Trone, city project manager on the progress on Upper Sims.
“Roads have not been closed up there for a while and we don’t intend to have any closures through the rest of this year.”
South side of Sims Way
Over the next two weeks, crews intend to continue storm-water work on the south side of Sims Way, moving east toward Logan Street, and the installation of underground lighting on the south side of Sims Way from Howard Street to Logan Street.
Port Townsend posts construction updates on its Web site via http://tinyurl.com/y9d3xvn.
In July, when the bid was awarded, City Manager David Timmons said he was happy to see local workers of Seton Construction Co. put on the job by the project.
“The good news is that it’s a local company,” Timmons said.
“That’s a real plus for us, because it’s taking that federal money and bring it back to the city, for a city project with city workers.
“It’s really going to be put to good use.”
The Upper Sims Way project has been discussed as an active project for more than a year.
The renovation was originally left off the list of projects to receive funds from the federal stimulus package, but in June the state held a second round of allocations using leftover stimulus money and elected to give the money to the city of Port Townsend to renovate and improve the main entrance to town, state Highway 20.
Other work continues
Along with improvements to Sims Way, multiple downtown street-scape improvements and renovation of the waterfront esplanade are slated to continue through the end of the year.
The cost of all the projects is estimated at a little more than $12.5 million.
Current closures downtown include Water Street between Madison and Jackson streets and Monroe Street between Washington and Water streets.
Also being renovated is the Cotton Building — the former location of the Port Townsend Police Station — as it is redone for city use.
Timmons said the Cotton Building will be used as a visitor’s center and have meeting rooms for public use.
Reporter Erik Hidle can be reached at 360-385-2335 or at erik.hidle@peninsuladailynews.com.