PORT ANGELES — Clallam County Auditor Cathleen McKeown did not violate electioneering laws when she parked her truck bearing campaign signs near a polling place on Sept. 19 because her race wasn’t on the primary election ballot, City Attorney Bill Bloor has decided.
Bloor’s determination, released Wednesday, means no charges will be filed against McKeown.
McKeown faces challenger Patty Rosand, the Clallam County Auditor’s Office elections coordinator, in the general election that will end Nov. 7.
McKeown had parked her truck in a no-parking zone within 300 feet of a ballot box at the Clallam County Courthouse.
McKeown admitted parking her truck in the turnout from East Fourth Street while she performed Election Night duties.
Relief and outrage
The decision was met with relief from McKeown and outrage from Anne Doig, the county assessor’s office employee who filed the complaint.
“I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong,” McKeown said Wednesday afternoon after the decision was released.
“I wouldn’t have parked there if I thought I was doing something wrong. I’m glad the city attorney’s office exonerated me.
“I wish they didn’t have to spend all this staff time on this.”
But Doig saw it differently.
“That is absolutely insane. It’s insane. That’s a horrible message you’re sending out,” she said.
“The RCW is very clear, black and white, the date that you file until they count the ballots you are campaigning.”
RCW is the Revised Code of Washington, a compilation of all permanent laws now in force.
“How much clearer and black and white do they need? she asked.
“(McKeown) preached to us about it last year so she knew what she was doing.”