PORT ANGELES — Clallam County’s three commissioners on Tuesday backed a resolution that will protect 38 acres of farmland indefinitely.
Commissioners Mike Doherty, Steve Tharinger and Mike Chapman unanimously approved the resolution that authorizes a conservation easement for the Dungeness Valley Creamery Farmland Preservation project.
In exchange for keeping the dairy farm a farm, land owners Jeffrey and Debra Brown will receive a check for the appraised value of the development rights of their property at 1915 Towne Road near Sequim.
“That was the last signature that was needed,” said Robbie Mantooth, a spokeswoman for the North Olympic Land Trust, which helped the nonprofit conservation group Friends of the Fields secure the easement. “This conservation easement will go with the titles forever.”
Three-year project
The resolution all but completes a three-year process to protect a portion of the Dungeness Valley Creamery.
The project was made possible with a $277,314 grant from the Farmland Preservation Program of the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program.
The grant provided about half the cost, Mantooth said.
Friends of the Fields, based in Sequim, contributed $169,819.
The land trust added $107,575 from its farmland fund and assumed legal responsibility for upholding terms of the agreement.
“This is a huge service the land trust provides to monitor these easements,” Tharinger said at the Tuesday meeting.
“That’s the key — to show that you’ve got long-term accountability on these investments.”
The Browns will receive a check as soon as the title company processes the signed documents, Mantooth said.
Friends of the Fields President Jim Aldrich, former president Bob Caldwell and Mantooth thanked the commissioners for their support.
Documents establishing a conservation easement had been signed by the Browns, who own Dungeness Valley Creamery, and the North Olympic Land Trust prior to Tuesday’s meeting.
Aldrich provided some background on the three-year effort. The Friends of the Fields couldn’t come to an agreement with the owner of the first farm eyed for the protection.
Friends of the Field, which aims to ebb the tide of housing and commercial development on Clallam County farmland, found an alternative with similar soil near the first.
“After looking at several properties, we chose the Browns’ farm and submitted another application,” Aldrich said.
“The citizens of the county really stepped up to the plate and provided the necessary donations.”
While the North Olympic Land Trust is not opposed to development, Mantooth said it strives to “protect lands with special qualities with public benefits.”
Those include farmlands, wildlife habitat, scenic vistas, open spaces and lands with cultural importance.
“When I passed by the Browns’ farm yesterday, I saw some 30 swans out in a field,” Aldrich said.
Caldwell encouraged the commissioners to consider establishing a conservation futures fund.
Other items approved Tuesday were:
•âÇAn agreement with the state Department of Fish and Wildlife to explore interest in forming a coastal marine resource committee.
•âÇA contract extension with Peninsula Community Mental Health Center to continue a behavioral health program for juveniles in the court system. No new money goes into the contract.
•âÇA two-year, $38,000 contract with First Step Family Support Center for developmental disabilities services. Funding for the contract is already in the budget.
•âÇA two-year, $28,950 contract with Pierce, Jones and Associates LLC and Clallam County Health & Human Services for developmental disabilities services. Funding is already in the budget.
•âÇA supplement with the state Department of Transportation for the Laird Road project, near Elwha River Road. Funds were allocated in the county’s six-year Transportation Improvement Plan.
The supplement is a continuation of work that began last year between U.S. Highway 101 and West Edgewood Drive.
•âÇA contract to Lakeside Industries for the 2009 Hot Mix Asphalt Requirements project. Lakeside Industries was the sole bidder. It offered $608,937 for the job. The county will purchase the materials through its road fund budget.
•âÇA resolution appointing Alice Hoffman, Toni Gilbert and Ross Tyler as management representatives to the Clallam County Safety/Health Committee.
•âÇA resolution appointing Carolyn Flint to the Crescent Community Advisory Council.
Jail-use agreement
In Monday’s work session, the commissioners discussed a jail-use agreement with the city of Port Angeles that goes up for approval next week.
Under the new agreement, the cities of Port Angeles, Sequim and Forks will all pay the same rate — $70 per inmate per day. That includes a $3-per-day cost for medical services provided by the Clallam County jail.
Cities had been paying different rates. Port Angeles, for example, was paying $63.84 per day, without the medical expense.
If it is approved, the rate would go into effect immediately.
“One of the goals that Sheriff Bill Benedict had from the beginning was to bring our contracts into alignment,” Clallam County jail superintendent Ron Sukert said.
Reporter Rob Ollikainen can be reached at 360-417-3537 or at rob.ollikainen@peninsuladailynews.com.