PORT ANGELES — Seventeen members of Clallam County advisory boards and committees have been appointed or reappointed to seven county panels.
All of the appointments were approved unanimously by the three-member Board of County Commissioners on Tuesday.
Clallam County elected officials and department heads endorsed the reappointments in an email to Clerk of the Board Trish Holden.
Most of the appointments were continued from terms that expired Dec. 31.
Here’s a rundown and the 17 appointments:
■ Mary Ellen Winborn and Gene Unger were appointed to the Building Code Board of Appeals.
Winborn is the architect representative, and Unger is the civil or structural engineer representative.
■ Roxi Baxley, William White and Louis “Darren” Rentas were appointed to the Fair Advisory Board.
Baxley is an at-large representative, White is the West End representative, and Rentas is the small-animals representative.
■ Candace Pratt, Ann Simpson, Jody Moss and Mike McEvoy were appointed to the Homelessness Task Force.
Pratt is the city government representative, Simpson represents West End service providers, Moss is the United Way representative, and McEvoy is the WorkSource representative.
■ Ed Bowlby was appointed to the Marine Resources Committee as the academic community representative.
■ Hugh Haffner was appointed to the Park and Recreation Advisory Board.
■ Michael Gentry, Ronald Garcelon and Bradley Lymangrover were appointed to the Permit Advisory Board.
Gentry represents architects, Garcelon represents certified septic designers/installers, and Lymangrover represents land surveyors.
■ Gerald Stiles, Leo Leonard and Robert Miller were appointed to the Planning Commission as District Nos. 1, 2 and 3 representatives, respectively.
The county is still seeking a member for the Civil Service Commission.
Descriptions of the voluntary boards can be found at www.clallam.net.