PORT ANGELES — The Clallam County commissioners have unanimously approved the 2023-2028 Transportation Improvement Program.
The action was taken following a public hearing Tuesday at the Clallam County Courthouse.
The plan, which is updated annually, identifies current and planned transportation improvement projects that have adequate funding over the next six years and includes roads, bridges, the Olympic Discovery Trail, culverts and other improvements.
It totals 31 funded projects worth $57.5 million and 47 unfunded projects worth $47.2 million.
It does not include general maintenance or the county’s annual chip sealing program.
Transportation Program Manager Steve Gray said projects must be listed on the plan to receive grant funding. It doesn’t include maintenance, such as the 32 miles of chip sealing that the county conducted this past year.
He said projects that are complete or almost complete this year include the Sequim-Dungeness Way roundabout, Dry Creek Road paving, River Ranch culvert, asphalt overlays at several highway intersections and obtaining the right of way for extending the Olympic Discovery Trail to LaPush.
The county public works department recommended the plan to the county commissioners on Oct. 3 and the county planning commission on Oct. 5. The planning commission recommended looking at the 21-mile Hoko-Ozette Road project in sections and phases next year and that the county explore American Recovery Act funding for the currently unfunded Mary Clark Road project.
Reporter Brian Gawley can be reached at brian.gawley@sound publishing.com.