PORT ANGELES — The Clallam County Charter Review Commission elected in November will gather for its initial meeting at 6 tonight.
The 15-member group — five from each of the three county commission districts — will meet in the commissioners’ meeting room, Room 160, at the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles. The after-hours entrance is off Fourth Street between the two main entrances.
Commission members will be sworn in and will choose a chairperson, said Therese Stokan, commission member, in a press release.
A proposed agenda will be reviewed by the Charter Review Commission (CRC) members, Stokan said, adding that it may include the election of other officers, review of the Public Records Act and Open Public Meetings Act and discussion of bylaws and rules of procedures.
Time will be allotted for public comment, she said. Those who want to speak are urged to sign in when they arrive.
The commission was elected Nov. 5 to incorporate citizen input as it develops proposed charter amendments for voters to consider in the 2020 election. It may also forward recommendations to the three commissioners.
Clallam is one of seven counties in the state that operates under a home-rule charter, a “constitution” for county government.
Since 1976, the county’s charter has been amended by the voters five times.