PORT ANGELES — Clallam County resident Norma Turner told commissioners Tuesday that consolidating the various law enforcement agencies of the North Olympic Peninsula would help the budget crisis.
“Unfortunately, they seem to be kind of balancing the budget on the backs of the poor and disenfranchised,” Turner said.
“I would like to speak out against the concept that each entity — local, state and federal — are acting so they function in independent spheres. I would encourage you to look at how do all of those different budgets integrate.”
Turner described “an inordinate number of law enforcement agencies for this small county.”
“We have a sheriff’s department, three police departments, a State Patrol, Fish & Wildlife agents, Border Patrol, National Park rangers, immigration and customs, and the tribal law enforcements,” Turner said.
She urged the commissioners to convene a study group to help the public understand the total budgets for all of the law enforcement agencies in the county, the total number of employees and the legal constraints that would keep them from integrating.
Turner cited the Border Patrol’s expansion in Port Angeles and questioned whether other law enforcement officers could have been deputized as agents instead.
Clallam County Sheriff Bill Benedict declined to respond to Turner’s remarks in the open meeting.
However, he did speak in private with Turner for about 10 minutes after the meeting.
Later Tuesday, Benedict said Turner’s ideas have some merit but need to be studied by city councils and boards of county commissioners.
Commissioner Mike Doherty said the county and the city of Port Angeles are already engaged in looking for efficiencies that would streamline local government. Early discussions have focused on information technology.
“There is a very active discussion in the Legislature about state offices consolidating,” Doherty said.
“And there was some discussion of the tangential relationships of local government dealing with state agencies.
“Stay tuned to that.”
Reporter Rob Ollikainen can be reached at 360-417-3537 or at rob.ollikainen@peninsuladailynews.com.