PORT ANGELES — Clallam County commissioners may revive a boundary review board to prevent cities, especially Port Angeles, from seeking annexations that could harm the county.
“This would be a shot across the city’s bow that the county won’t just sit back and let the city proceed with its annexation,” said County Commissioner Mike Chapman.
“The county commissioners have been criticized for that and we have citizens to represent,” said Chapman, R-Port Angeles.
The county’s legal staff will research whether a boundary board could review a pending annexation if the board was formed — but no one appointed — before an annexation was started.
The review ordered by county commissioners Monday by a 3-0 vote is in response to a Port Angeles proposal to annex unincorporated lands in the city’s Urban Growth Area, extending from the eastern city limit near DelGuzzi Drive to Morse Creek.
Included would be commercial properties along U.S. Highway 101, including tax-lucrative car dealerships, Wal-Mart department store, Les Schwab tires and a new Safeway shopping center.
Look for this full report in today’s Peninsula Daily News. Get the PDN delivered to your home or office by clicking on “Subscribe.”