PORT ANGELES — Employees and residents visiting the Clallam County courthouse could see safer sidewalks later this year as part of a $200,000 landscaping project that went out to bid in mid-May.
Hoch Construction was sole bidder at $201,725 at the bid opening during the commissioners’ June 13 regular meeting.
The bid was referred to the Parks, Fair and Facilities Department for review and recommendation but did not appear on the commissioners’ regular meeting agenda for today.
The project includes “replacing portions of the concrete sidewalks adjacent to the courthouse’s main entrance, installing additional pedestrian lighting, replacing some irrigation, and replanting the affected areas,” according to a staff memo.
“We’re going to do some sidewalk improvements out front where people load and unload out of their vehicles for short-term parking,” said Rick McFarlen, the county’s deputy director for parks, fair and facilities, at the commissioners’ May 15 meeting.
“And then also that area between where the main parking lot starts all the way towards the front entrance. All that’s going to be redone,” McFarlen said.
The project also will include planting some trees, installing some bollards and some back lighting to illuminate the courthouse’s front entrance, he said.
“The sidewalks are the biggest thing we want to focus on because they are kind of deteriorating,” McFarlen said. “Those brick inlays that were put in years ago keep coming out. We keep having problems with that. They keep coming up. So, we want to get rid of that stuff.”
Reporter Brian Gawley can be reached at 360-452-2345, ext. 55650, or at brian.gawley@sound publishing.com.