PORT ANGELES — Clallam County burn restrictions took affect Wednesday and will run through Oct. 1 unless conditions warrant a total burn ban.
The move restricts burning earlier than originally expected. Clallam officials had expected to put a burn ban into effect July 1.
Jefferson County’s burn ban went into effect June 4 and will remain until Sept. 30.
Clallam’s burn restriction applies to all outdoor burning except recreational fires used for pleasure, religious, ceremonial, warmth, cooking or similar purposes, announced George Bailey, Clallam County fire marshal, on Wednesday.
Recreational fires are permitted unless further banned by extreme weather conditions. Propane weed burners are not allowed. Recreational fires are limited to 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet in height. Fires for debris disposal are not legal under any circumstances and are not considered recreational.
If conditions arise, the restrictions may be upgraded to a high fire danger status, Bailey said. This would prohibit all outdoor burning, which includes recreational fires.
For more information, see your local fire district for more information or see www.clallam.net.